Chapter 26 -- Superstar

Start from the beginning

He was crying...

"I'm going to bed" Zayn mumbled before walking away to his bunk, Liam walked away too and I assumed he went to bed also.

"Louis?" I softly tapped my fingers on the door. He continued crying and didn't respond.

"Louis? Please come open the door" I remarked through the door. He stopped crying but didn't move to open the door. I let a sigh escape my lips.

"Please the door" I stated shakily. The door opened to reveal Louis. Already, he looked horrible. He had bloodshot eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. I smiled weakly at him before he stepped aside and let me in. I walked in as he shut the door behind me and he locked it, leaving Niall outside.

"Hey! Wait, let me in too!" Niall whined from outside while banging on the door. Louis sat back down and I went over and sat next to him, watching him stare at the ground blankly.

"He didn't mean it Lou, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you." I whispered, making him look up at me. I looked into his blue eyes as they began to fill with fresh tears. Then, he broke down. He crushed me in a death hug.

I rubbed soothing circles on his back as he began crying into my shoulder. I hugged him tighter, whispering comforting words into his ear.

Alyssas POV

"A-Alyssa?" I didn't think he would actually pick up.

"Harry" I managed to whisper. It's so nice to hear his voice again...

"Alyssa I-" I cut him off before he could finish

"Harry wait. I want you to know it wasn't me who hung up on you, I was with Lia... and she was just trying to do what she thought was best for me." I explained.

"What about the guy at the party?" he asked me.

"Kyle...." I whispered.

"I understand, you found someone else. I should go, it's getting late" I felt my heart break hearing him say that.

"Wish Liam a happy birthday for me, goodbye Harry." I said briefly before hanging up.


I woke up to a worked up Lia who was jumping around the room, smiling from ear to ear.

"Today's the big day!" she screamed when she noticed I was awake.

"What?" I asked her, stretching and throwing the covers to the side.

"Today's the day we leave for Nashville!" she screamed, continuing to jump up and down.

"Lia calm down. I'm sorry for last night, I over reacted. Can you forgive me?" I apologized and she finally stopped jumping.

"Of course" she confirmed while pulling me into a hug.

"Also...will you help me pack?" I asked her.

"Why do you think I'm here" she stated bluntly before pulling out my suitcase and stuffing it with clothes.

In 20 minutes we managed to get everything we needed packed and into the car. We left at 8:45 am and got to the hotel at 6:15 pm.

"What a long trip" I groaned as I stretched.

"The concert is tonight at 8:30 pm so we don't have a lot of time to relax and unpack" Lias mom told us.

We all walked to the front desk and got our key, then went upstairs to our room. I began unpacking in the room Lia and I would be sharing. As I put away one of my shirts I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of my cuts. I sighed as I looked over them, examining their state. They were still just scabs. I traced my fingers over them, wincing as I did so.

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