Chapter 5

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~Kirishima's POV~

     "Bakugou!" I shouted running down the hall to catch up with the angry blonde.

     "What the hell do you want shity hair?" He asked turning around to face me. Bakugou was taller then me by a few inches. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top and he wasn't wearing his tie as pure usual. Just seeing him makes me smile. I told the rest of the squad this and said that it was love. I've always been gay but this is new, I've never liked someone for this long, I want to be closer to him. Sometimes I even imagine him with out a shirt. What the hell is wrong with me I shouldn't think of him like that, it's unmanly.

     "I was wondering if you would help me study fora test?" I asked, showing off my pointy teeth. 

     "Fine, whatever let's go to my house." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the school. I couldn't help but blush. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I looked up to see Bakugou staring straight at me. 

     "Oh nothing!" I said trying to get him off my case.


     We got to Bakugou's apartment after a twenty minute walk, he unlocked the door and we stepped in side. 

     "Old hag, old man?" Bakugou called out "you guys home?" There was no awnser. Soon after he grabbed my wrist and led me to his room, we sat down on the floor and pulled out our notes. We talked and he showed me how to solve problems. When ever I would get something wrong he would hit me I've the head with a rold up magazine, which only made me laugh. I liked being around Bakugou, every grunt to every shout, he looks intimidating but I've seen his soft side. His smile, his quiet words. Those made me feel safe, like I'm doing something right and I'm not messing up. "Hey, Kirishima." I made eye contact with him. His dark red eyes stared in too mine. "Is something wrong?"  

     "Well," I sighed I wanted to tell him but doubt held me back. "You would never hate me right? No matter what I say or do. No matter who I like. Would you still see me as me?" I asked him, to scared to look him in the eye. When I looked up I saw a face of anger.

     "What the fuck is that supposed to meen?" I just looked at him confused. "That is the most dumbest question I have ever heard, I will always like you, no matter what the fuck you do! Even if it's the most dumbest thing to ever happen. I will always like you even if you hate me or like someone else."

     "So," I finally say. "If I told you I liked you, you wouldn't kill me?" I asked looking at him.

     "Well do you?"

     "Yes." I almost wisper but Bakugou heared it. He stood up looking at me his face unreadable. I gulped. He grabbed my shirt and picked me up. I was scared that he wanted a fight. He pined me  against the wall. I braced my self for a punch but it never came, instead lips pressed against mine. I opened my eyes to see Bakugou close to me. He broke the kiss and laughed a bit. 

     "So you like me shity hair?" All I could do was nod, to shocked for words. "Well that's too fuck'n bad, because I really love you. I really got it bad for you and you tease me with 'I like you'?" 

     "No!" I shouted "I-I love you as well you meen everything to me!" I was serious, so I made the next move by pressing my lips against his, and he kissed back we made out for a bit till I had to go home. Is this what what love is? It feels nice

AN: I love Bakushima it's one of my all time favourite ships. This was a short chapter and I enjoyed writing it! If you have requests comment down be low and thanks for the views! 

But why love me? /tododeku/Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu