CHAPTER 13 : Finding Her

Start from the beginning

The whole world feels like a low resolution as I struggle to get inside the car. "Phone, phone... where the fuck did I put that stupid phone." I mutter, rummaging through things. Pushing the seat back, the black phone appears on the floor. Not letting another second go by, I quickly pick it up and begin to dial my brother's number.

Leaning back in the seat, the phone begins to ring. Alex picks up on the fourth ring. "What's wrong?" Is the first thing he asks.

I let out a dry chuckle. "Nothing's wrong, just wanted to hear your voice little brother."

Alex scoffs. "Your lying T, I can hear it in your voice. What's wrong?" He asks again.

My eyes began to drift closed. "I've been bit... by a demon. It's pretty bad."

"Shit! Torrin are you for real right now? I told you to be careful. How the hell did you let a demon bite you? Your an Angel for crying out loud, you've been trained. We've been trained. You know how to defend yourself, yet you get blindsided by a demon! Wh--"

"Stop it," I say, loud enough to stop his rant. "You can you lecture me later, but for now can you please just get over here. I'm losing too much blood and sooner-or-later, I'm gonna pass out again." A wave of sleepiness hits me. "Make that sooner. Alex, I'm going to pass out really soon. Therefore get your ass over to Beckton, so you can fix me up and I can go save Natasha."

"Save Natasha?!" He yells over the phone. "You lost Natasha?!"

Pitching the bridge my nose, I let out a breath. "I didn't lose her, she was taken from me. Now please get over here."

"Okay, where exactly in Beckton are you at?"

My mouth opens to respond, but nothing comes out. My heavy head relaxes, and within a second it retreats into a wallowing blackness.


I wake up to drowning.

The water pushes down on me from all sides and the more I put up a fight, the more I drown. With every movement I make, nothing seems to make any sense anymore. My legs and arm push, but it no use. All it does is pushes me further down into the water. My lungs ache for more air and even though I know it's impossible to get some down here, my body still takes a breath. Cold water fills my lungs as blood pounds behind my eyes.

And just when the darkness is about to engulf me, she appears in the water. Her once warm chestnut color hair is now white. It isn't even greyish or creamy or blonde. It's just absolutely white. Her skin is pale, wrinkly even. She no longer has the chubby cheeks I once adorn or even the dimples. A grin is plastered on her face as she watches me drown. There's no love in her eyes, only darkness.

With the snap of her finger, I'm brought back to land.

My breathing comes in short, shallow gasps as the air fills up my lungs. It takes a few minutes, but slowly my breathing goes back to normal, the gasps transforms into slow deep breaths.

The air is heavy and humid, as I walk through the familiar looking garden. I can feel the moisture of my wet clothes, clinging to my body. "Haley you can't keep doing this to me!" A familiar cottage comes in view. It's the same cottage we use to spend all our time together. "Haley, show yourself please."

The small cottage is built on the plain near the lake. Instead of it looking like a friendly home, it now looks haunted. It's window panes smeary with age and dirt, the stones crumbling away. "You promised!" She yells, appearing behind me. Her voice is like a throaty growl. "You promised me you'd never leave me, but then you did that night. You left us!"

"I didn't leave! I was there." My voice lowers. "I... I saw everything. And I fought, with everything in me to stop Garrett that night. But he won." My eyes trail down to her stomach. "He killed the both of you and made me watch."  

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