I released a sad chuckle. In America I looked too white, here Im too black. I find my blackness after I lose my identity. How ironic! My head hurts! And I want to go home! Frick, it! I want my mommy!

The next day a team of people entered my room. I was dragged out of bed and a doctor inspected the cut on my head and asked no questions. In the years to come this would be the norm but now I wasnt used to being abused so I spoke out. He spoke no English and I no Russian, so my pleas fell flat. I was measured and given a schedule written in English. On top of the list was breakfast 7.am. Going down the list I saw Russian tutoring along with etiquette and standard subjects I would normally take in school. He was having me educated it seems, I should be grateful, but all this information did was drive home the fact I was never leaving this place.

Sticking to the schedule was mandatory. I wasnt allowed any leeway to change it, another reminder of my status as prisoner. If I was late to breakfast or any meal I didnt eat till the next one, missing any sessions with my tutors resulted in double the work and less time to do it and failure to speak only in Russian and complete assigned homework, met with a beating. Needless to say, I learned to speak Russian very quickly.

Thank God, I was a straight A student, so I was able to keep up with the Maths, English, Geography, Music (which by the way included ballroom dancing) and Science, Home Economics but I had new subjects they expected me to excel in from day one. Russian history, Latin, (I will never use this. Why were they teaching it to me? I dont know but wouldnt dare complain.) German (Again why?) Economics and Russian Literature.

Exercise was also strongly encouraged but it strangely was the one subject I looked forward to every day. Besides the simple calisthenics, there was swimming but unfortunately it was done in freezing water which got colder every week to acclimate my body to Russias weather. The fun part of this was horseback riding. I was never all that fond of horses but when you dont have access to a car and trapped it frozen hell, it was a means to escape.

With the Prince gone, I pushed myself each week to get this reward, one-hour horseback riding. After the first week of being frozen with cold and my butt cheeks numb from pain, I still couldnt wait for the next week. Especially since the Princes office, I sadly discovered was locked at night. I was kept so busy during the day and the staff was always about, it was my only chance to try.

I was getting desperate though. And he wasnt here. I had to find a way to get in the office and return to the ballroom before the next tutor arrived. I usually had a ten-minute break after the morning session and the office was almost half a wing away from the ballroom. It would have to do.

At precisely 10:05am my Russian tutor left and as custom a maid entered almost immediately after with a tea tray. She would return for this when she brought lunch. I watched her leave counting the seconds then I hastened to the door, peeping through the opening until she was well away. I dashed down the hall ducking into rooms while mentally counting how much time I had left. There was a long open stretch to the office and the chance someone passing by could see me, but I had to take the risk.

Scary heartbeats later, I was in the office so happy I started jumping up and down fist pumping in the air. I skidded to the phone and my hands shook as I picked up the receiver. I didnt know how to call overseas so I called the operator.


Oh man was I glad for those three months of Russian tutoring now!

I collect call USA! I spoke shakily, and it wasnt perfect but once it got the job done I really dont care.

USA? Where?

Queens New York, 1 847 56 Hello? I toggled the phone. Hello?

I wont tell him, and you go back okay? A female voice said in broken English. It was the one he called Kateya, same bitch who set me up in the basement, she held the cord in her hand. As much as I hated that bitch I needed my freedom more, so I begged.

Please let me call my mom. Ill go back

You seem to think I have say. Kateya mused aloud. None of us have say. Only the Prince can say. Disobedience means punishment. You disobey you get punished. I disobey I get punished. I no get punished for you! Go back!

Like any teen that cant have their way I threw a tantrum. I didnt care about her petty problems, I wanted to speak to my mother. I want her to know Im alright and Ill come home. I screamed, throwing the phone at her.


The last was said to the footmen who had come and were now picking me up bodily as I cursed (Sorry mom.) and threw a royal fit. I wasnt even given a break to calm down. I was carried back to the ballroom and deposited there like nothing happened. I pounded at the door and the tutor began the lesson as though I wasnt screaming my lungs out.

After what felt like hours of screaming, which was actually ten minutes, I finally calmed down to realize the tutor was still writing on the whiteboard as though the lesson was progressing. It was funny. I started to laugh and laugh and pull at my hair and the fancy clothes he bought, and I took my chair and slammed it into the whiteboard. The tutor simply ducked then picked up his things and walked out.

Once the tutor was gone, they open the door to let him out, I collapsed on the polished marble floor staring up at a Michelangelo like ceiling complete with diamond chandelier. I wanted to destroy it. I wanted to burn this house down! But I was so tired and frustrated from my outburst that I fell asleep instead only to be woken with a sharp kick to my ribs.

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