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What's the point of falling in love?

It brings you nothing but heartbreak and grief

But the thing is love is blind

You can't control it

Which makes me despise it even more

I wish I couldn't fall in love

It would make life so much easier

I wish I couldn't feel this pain that come with it

All the emotional baggage is hard

And the worst part is when you realize that they'll never love you back

They simply can't

And it's not your fault but it still hurts like hell

Damm you love

I can't get rid of you

You still cling to me like leech

And I don't see why

You just make me even more miserable than I already am

I can't take it anymore

I know I said I wouldn't give up on love

But I think I should

Because everyone leaves eventually

And you'll be left with nothing but a broken heart

I give up

I just don't want to do this anymore

Screw love

Pensive ThoughtsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt