Is it too late?

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Fate is cruel

That much is true

But what about love?

What does love play in this crazy thing called life?

What do you do with it?

Maybe love is meaningless

After all, it brings you nothing but hurt

Is it better to never have loved than to experience the pain?

Love is a fickle thing

You have it one moment

And in the next moment

You've lost it

It's gone

Dead. Finished

It's gone when your loved ones go

You think that people will stand by you

But they don't

You don't know true heartbreak until they leave

One by one they slip away

You're utterly helpless as you watch them go by

But really hurts is when that one persons goes away

That one person who you thought would stand by you

Then they leave you over a petty squabble

Because they're tired of you

Because they hate you

And because they think you would do something horrible

Then you begin to think something is wrong with you

You think you're the problem

And then you try to fix yourself

But it doesn't work

Because your hearts not into it

You feel numb after a while

But you carry on

Nothing matters to you after a while

Then reality sets in

Acceptance comes in and replaces the numbness

Then life goes on

But let me ask you something

Is it better to love?

Or is it better to be cynical?

I say maybe you should love again

You should have that feeling flow through you

I'm choosing to love again

It's the right one

It's not to late for love

Don't let someone take that away from you

Sure it's hurts when they leave you

But that just proves they not worth the time

You should have happiness

I made my choice

Now you make yours

Pensive ThoughtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora