"I'm going to miss you, __________" Tao whispers in my ear when he holds me in an embrace. My body surrounded of his soft warm arms. My heart racing uncontrollably.

"Idiot!" I mutter at him, my face flushing pink.

"I'll text you when we land safely, ok?" he says with his twinkling smile, letting me go.

"Carson~!" A sudden voice says, and I'm welcomed with his wonderful smile.

"Y-Ye" I stutter at him, and without permission nor sign of his sudden actions. I'm suddenly welcomed with his strong arms around my body.

"C-Chen!!" I gasp, "I'll miss you" he says sweetly upon my ear, that a sudden feeling comes upon my chest that it felt that my ears heated up as well as my cheeks.

"Y-Ye" I stuttered, and my heart just beated so wildly from his sudden actions that when his caramel eyes met mine... I'm lost again...exactly as the same feeling I had when I first him...

"Goodbye" I tell him, but instead of replying my farewell, he pouts and suddenly leans his face towards mine,

"No goodbyes honey, see you later, okay" he says cutely, and with a soft giggle I nod and say,

"See you later then" I say with a smile, my heart softly thumping when he smiles back at me and softly pats me in the head, as if I was a child.

"See ya" he says once again, and then...the loud but yet caring idols were out of my sight. And the real journey in counter attacking saesang fans begin without myself being ready for it.

"See ya!!" I said once again,

"Bye Carson" the manager says with a light bow at me, I responding with a soft bow as well. Then...they were gone. That when the airplane flies off, I let out a huge sigh.

"YYAAA!" I blurt out loudly! That suddenly, a huge THUNK resounded across the huge airport floor.

"OH GOD!" I suddenly hear, that I turn around to find a girl with a mask and sunglasses dropping down at the floor and picking up her camera.

"Are you okay?" I blurt out, running towards her, and lowering my body to the floor next to her.

"I'm fine, but not my camera." She says sadly, picking up the huge pieces of materials that used to be a camera off of the ground.

"Oh god, did I scared you? I'm so so sorry~" I say to her, looking at her with worried eyes, but instead of looking at me harshly as any person, she just looks down at the camera.

"I-I'm very very sorry!" I say again, and she stands up. With huge pieces of material upon her hands. "Since it was my fault that your camera broke, I'll pay for the repairs!" I blurt out, taking the pieces off of her grasp and running towards a front desk employee.

"I need a bag" I say to her, almost like if I was commanding her, that her small body just jumps and looks at me with widened eyes, "Oh god, sorry. I-I mean..." I stutter, realizing that I accidentally talked to her in a disrespectful voice, instead of yelling at me, like how my father would do when I would speak like that in that manner, she laughs lightly and says, "it's okay, but yes, I do" she says with a smile, that she gladly after a few moments gives me a bag. "Thanks!" I say with a smile, bowing down deeply at her, that her cheeks flushed pink when she bows and says, "I didn't do anything special, y-you don't--" "No, you did do something special. Thanks for the bag!" I say again, and tuck the camera pieces inside the bag. Bowing down before leaving her presence and returning to the masked girl. "Let's go!" I say to the masked girl, taking hold of her wrist. "W-Where are you taking me?!" She gasps, "To a repair shop, DUH!" I say in a jokingly manner.

My loving bodyguardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن