Wedding Crasher

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I took a deep breath, took one look at the demon I had apparently just married, and opened the door. My mother was standing on the other side, oblivious to what had just happened. She took one look at my ruined makeup and scowled.

"Oh you little idiot!" She cried, pulling out her handkerchief and put my face to rights, "After all the trouble your father and I went ungrateful little...I never...." When she stopped huffing, she stood back and looked at me.

"There," Her picture perfect smile returned, "Now don't cry again or I'll give you something to cry about." I hid my hand with my new ring behind my back. Oh, if she only knew...

Then when she grabbed my arm and drug me down the hall, "Come on, everyone is waiting..." I followed mildly, glancing back to see Alastor standing in the doorway. His arms were crossed and his psychotic grin was plastered across his face.

My father was waiting at the entrance of the chapel, pacing back and forth. He stopped when he saw my mother and I approaching.

"About time." He huffed as I took his arm. The music started and my father practically drug me down the isle. All the while I felt the ring on my finger like a weight. I had to stop this wedding.

Before I knew what was happening, I was thrust before the priest and the man I was expected to marry. The priest started the ceremony, and I looked for an opportunity to put a stop to this. I found my chance when the priest did the whole speak now or forever hold your peace bit.

"I have something to say." I said quietly, feeling every single eye baring down on me.

Looking up into the eyes of the older man I was expected to marry, I cleared my throat and said, "I can't marry you."

"Why is that?" He growled out, straightening up indignantly. Obviously, this was not a man who was used to being told no.

"Because she's already married to me." Alastor's voice called out, and everyone turned to see the demon striding down the isle. Apparently a demon in a church was such a shock that one of the old ladies sitting up front fainted right out her seat.

Alastor reached the front of the chapel where the priest, my father's business partner, and I were standing. He gave the surprised priest a mocking bow then offered me his hand. I took it, letting the ruby ring glint in the sun.

"Blasphemy!" My father roared, standing up and pointing at Alastor. All that did was make Alastor grin.

Then turning to me, he screamed, red faced, "You little bitch! You're ruining everything!" At this, Alastor's smile vanished. My demon husband pulled me close to his side, arm around my waist.

"I will kindly ask you to not speak to my wife in such a manner." He growled, then snapped his fingers. A loud crack rang out, and black smoke clouded over Alastor and I. I felt a tight contraction in my chest and couldn't seem to get air in my lungs. Then as soon as it was there, the smoke evaporated.

Only now, instead of a church, we were in a dusty, antique looking house. We had appeared in the living room area, and I peered around. Cloth coverings were draped over the furniture and small clouds of dust floated through the air.

"Welcome to your new home." Alastor said, smiling down at me. 

Black Wedding | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now