"Pa! Help," she yelled, "Something's happening to Sree."

   Her father stumbled through the doorway into the shaking room. When he saw his daughter screaming, his face filled with fear.

   "Wait here," He called as he disappeared through the doorway into the main room. Myra's eyes, filled with panic, shot back to Sree. She couldn't bear to see the horror on her sister's face and it frustrated her she couldn't help.

   "God," She prayed aloud, "Help Sree. Whatever's happening to her, be with her. Please."

   Soon her father ran back into the room holding a lit candle and knelt by Sree.

   "I'm sorry," He whispered, then held the open flame to her bare skin. Myra stared in horror as Sree's pale arm received a burn.

   Suddenly, Sree's eyes filled with consciousness and the room stopped shaking. Her scream died, and she crumbled into her father's arms as she fainted. Myra stared in utter confusion. She was speechless.

   "What was that?" She sputtered.

   "It's called the Awakening," He said, calmly, "It happens to a few. It also befell me. The only thing that will wake them out of it is pain."

   Myra stared at her father, confused.

   "What are you talking about? What happened to Sree?"

   He looked at Myra, his eyes filled with concern and he placed a rough hand on her shoulder.

   "Do you remember the story I used to tell you and your sister?"

   Is he going crazy? She thought.

   "Pa, what are you talking about? That was just a story. We were kids, and you were the adult fascinating us with a piece of childish fiction. Nothing more."

   He lifted his hand from her shoulder and cradled her cheek, fatherly love and care in his eyes.

   "It's not a story, Myra."

   Her expression turned to pure shock and disbelief.

   "Sree... is..."

   "A Guardian." He finished for her, "One of a chosen few."

   Myra sat there, astounded. Then, realization flooded her mind.

   "The hearth. It- it seemed to rise- when we were scared and you tried to comfort us. And- and when you were sad, it would sputter. You're a-"

   "I am one," He interrupted, a sense of urgency in his voice.

   Myra didn't know what to do, so she laughed. "This is insane," She stood up from the bed and pushed her father's hand away. "You expect me to believe this... this STORY?"

   She expected her father to laugh. To explain that this was all a joke and apologize for pulling such a cruel prank on her. Instead, he nodded, slowly but assuredly.

    Sree stirred in his arms and opened her eyes.

   "What's happening?" She asked. Myra didn't know what to say. Her father calmed Sree and pulled her into a hug.

   "You're safe." He said.

   "Safe from what?" She asked, confused. Then, fear swelled in Sree's eyes.

   "That woman. The village. Is everyone ok?" She was panicking.

   "What woman? The village is fine, what are you talking about?" Myra questioned.

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