Eventually, he saw a piece of paper taped on the wall next to a bunch of light switches. It contained when the concert will start and the band's tracks to be played during the concert.

"What the fuck?" Jordon furrowed his eyebrows, most of the songs didn't seem familiar to him at all. Oh, well. Everywhere I Go is still there, so is Undead, but he kinda doesn't like playing that one anymore.

His face turned white. How was he gonna sing any of the songs he doesn't even know? God, he needed a miracle right now.

"Jords?" A nasally voice echoed through the noise of a bunch of other busy dudes in the room.

Jordon looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Hey, Aron."

"You aight?" Aron gave a thumbs up.

"Yea- no, I'm not." Jordon cut himself off, deciding to tell the truth.

Aron came closer to him. "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm nervous." Jordon looked up, trying his best not to cry in front of anyone.

Some judging glances turned their ways but Aron shushed them and glared them away, he put his arm over Jordon's shoulders. "Why?" He patted Jordon's back.

"I don't-" Jordon gulped. "I don't think I can sing." He breathed heavily.

"What? Of course you can sing!" Aron reassured. "You're like, the most skilled singer I know! Better than Bowie!"

"It's not that!" Jordon whined. "I mean like, what if I forget the lyrics? Or fuck up and fall off stage?" He looked down at his shaking hands.

Normally, Jordon isn't a cryer, or so he says. Truth be told he's a very sensitive man, he just chooses not to show it until it gets too overwhelming for him. The person he was only ever so open to was Danny and his therapist, but even then they don't know too much about what's going on in his head.

Jordon didn't exactly know why he was crying, well, about to cry. Maybe it was he thought that he was never going to go back home, or how everyone and everything changed so quickly, but it could also be that he might disappoint every single one of his fans. To be honest, he doesn't even remember all that much about his "home" anymore, a lot of his memories were bleeding out; becoming nothing more than dreams. One thing was clear though, this place wasn't home.

"Hey, hey." Aron lightly shook him by his shoulders. "So ya nervous, huh? Did the stage fright catch up to ya?" He tilted his head.

"Yeah, you could say that." Jordon leaned against a wall, sliding down. "I don't wanna fuck up." He curled up in a ball, hugging his legs tightly. He also had his left hand in a loose fist and placed in on his mouth, an oddly specific nervous tic he has.

Aron puckered his lips, staying silent for a moment, but only for a moment. "Hey, do ya remember the concert back at Jacksonville?" He gave a small smile.

"No, not- not really." Jordon sniffled, he would normally fake it but right now he's not in the right state of mind.

A little laugh came out of Aron. "Well, you were so awesome." He sat down next to Jordon on the cold, wooden floor. "Y'know, like, Eminem awesome."

"R-really?" Jordon muttered, his eyes lighting up a little.

"Yeah." Aron nodded. "Like, ya fell off the stage, and you fuckin' crowdsurfed!" He quietly giggled. "Everyone in the crowd was singin' lyrics too."

Jordon settled his forehead on Aron's shoulder, getting any kind of skin contact. "I remember I'd always do this with him; with Danny." Jordon mumbled.

Aron motioned one of the staff to come closer. "Get some Powerade." He mouthed-out.

"One time, I said so much awful shit about myself and I wouldn't stop crying. Then Daniel walked in and we stayed up all night watching murder documentaries Netflix." Jordon sighed.

"What's Netflix?" Aron asked. "And who's Daniel?" He thought.

"Whenever we're alone, he'd always say something like 'Are you alright, baby?' and I would blush so hard I'd look like a tomato." Jordon breathed in. "Everyone always makes fun of me when that happens."

The twinkish man just nodded along, he didn't understand a word Jordon was saying, but the Powerade he asked for did come back. "Here, drink this." He offered the electrolyte infused beverage.

"Thanks." Jordon accepted the Powerade, he opened the bottled and drank big gulps.

"There we go, just keep drinkin'." Aron motivated his friend. "You're gonna do great onstage, I promise."

Jordon put down the bottle on the floor. "What if I don't? What if I fuck up?"

Aron just smirked. "Since when did you care about the 'what if's'? Didn't you say you're only about gettin' pussy and never lookin' back?" He tilted his head.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I forgot." Jordon rubbed his eyes.

"Hmm." Aron hummed, squinting his eyes. "Listen, once you get onstage, you'll forget all about ya worries, trust me." He reassured. "The music will take care of everything." Aron grinned, patting Jordon's back. "Well, c'mon. Get up, the guys might need us now." He stood up and offered his hand to Jordon.

"Ah, yeah." Jordon nodded, taking the Powerade bottle and Aron's hand.

"Oh, dude. There's a T-shirt on one of the speakers for you. Because of the, y'know." Aron pointed all over Jordon's shirt.

He looked down, pulling his shirt out slightly to get a better view. "Oh, fuck, dude." The blood from earlier got all over his Supreme Shirt.

Aron nodded. "I know."

The two went back onstage, where everyone was minding their business.

"Hey, y'all. How was the quickie?" Dylan joked around.

"Shut it, Alvarez." Jorel narrowed his eyes. "My baby would never cheat on me, right?"

Jorel's "baby" was staring off into the floor again. Jordon elbowed him and he shook his head. "Of course, babes."

Arina snickered a bit. "George was gettin' a bit jelly too, right, Georgie?" She wiggled her eyebrows, nudging the significantly taller man.

"Shutthefuckup." George said under his breath, but made it loud enough for the band members to hear.

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