A Tongue Piercing

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[A/N: Sorry for slow updates, I'm busy with school and I just got a turtle.]

"Jordon!" Aron yelled. "Your nose! It's bleeding!"

"Huh?" Jordon sniffed, the smell of blood definitely present, his hand reached over to his nostril and, yup, definitely blood.

To save the siblings from further worry, he got up quickly. Sadly that only made him lose his balance and fall down the couch again, blood dripping down on his shirt. Was it mentioned that his shirt was Supreme?

"Hey, hey! Jord!" Aron ran towards him, grabbing a conveniently placed tissue box along the way. "Here, here. C'mon, stay with us Jordy. Don't blackout again..."

"Snort too much coke there, Jorts?" Arina snickered.

"Hey, it's not funny!" Aron squabbled. "What if he has dengue or somethin'!?"

"Oh, can it, Horsie." Arina rolled her eyes. "He's prolly havin' internal bleedin' in his brain or whatever."

"That's even worse!" Aron absentmindedly shoved more tissue in Jordon's face, causing the man to suffocate a bit.

"Mmph!" Jordon muffled through all the tissues, blindly trying to grab Aron's hand to stop him.

Eventually, while Aron and Arina were busy bickering to each other, Jordon managed to grab Aron's arms.

"-no, you shut the fuck up- huh?" Aron paused.

Jordon swept all the tissue off his face, blood smeared everywhere. "Eugh..."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Aron attempted to wipe the blood off Jordon's face but Jordon lightly smacked his hand away.

"I'm gonna go take a piss..." Jordon slowly limped to the door, blood drying on his philtrum, otherwise known as that thing above the upper lip and below the nose, yeah, that thing. Just some trivia for the folks out there.

Aron reached out to Jordon. "You gonna be okay, Jor-"

"Don't worry about dat, bro! He'll be fiiiiiiiine." Arina cut her brother off. "Right, Jordle?" She gently caressed Microwave.

"Uhh..." Jordon double blinked, eventually giving out a reluctant nod. He exited the scene, leaving the siblings to their own business. He actually felt sorry for leaving Aron alone there. Although he never interacted with Arina that much in... his world? Jordon is certain that Arina wouldn't belittle her brother like that, isn't Aron the older sibling as well? That's a little fucked up, just a little bit. Just a teensy-weensy bit.

Jordon made it into the bus' restroom, which is actually a bathroom now. "Huh, since when did this have a shower?" Jordon thought out quietly.

Speaking of other weird shit, how did he even get in the bathroom to begin with? He just remembered that he was thinking about Aron and Arina's current state, how did he end up here? Did he just do an autopilot thing again? Like his phone's password, yeah, that could be it.

He looked into the... disgusting mirror. "Fucking gross." He said, trying to look for a slight semblance of his reflection. God, from all the gucci looking shit the guys have, they couldn't even hire someone to clean their shit up? Oh, right. Everyone else is in "another tour bus".

He shook his head, Jordon took his not-so-clean hand towel and opened the faucet. He swiped the hand towel across the running water and harshly wiped the mirror of all the nauseating gri- oh, sweet Jesus, is that cum?! Jordon then squeezed the towel of all water, leaving it only somewhat damp, and wiped the mirror again.

After his vigorous attempt, he was victorious. His reflection was now as clear as day. In fact, a little too clear...

"What the fuck?!" Jordon yelled, closely examining himself. He checked his nose, his lips, his eyes, the insides of his eyes, ears, mouth- when did he get a tattoo there? Fucking hell, shit just keeps getting weirder as time passes by.

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