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"But what is it?" AJ asked once more. Gabe rolled his eyes and smiled.
"A spaceship is a real thing, people have just changed it for the sake of toys and stories." He explained again.
Clementine smiled at them. It was nice to have both of her favorite boys with her.. Even if they could annoy the hell out of her.
Clem glanced at the mirror to see a look of confusion on AJ's face. "So.. it can't do all of the things that it can in books?"
Gabe shook his head. AJ frowned, and his stomach started to growl.

Clementine glanced back at him. "You hungry, Goofball?"
AJ glared at her. "I told you I didn't like that name! Gabe, you said you'd 'tell her off' for me if she ever called me that again."
Gabe choked on his spit, and gave Clementine an apologetic look, which she denied.
"Oh he did, did he?"

AJ's eyes widened. "Was I.. not supposed to say that in front of her?"
Gabe had an awkward smile, as if to say 'I'm sorry'. Clementine, however, didn't accept this apologetic look. Which only made Gabe fear her a little more. It surely didn't help they were stuck in a car together, and he was in choking distance. He gulped, looking over at Clem once more to see her with a sly smirk.

"Maybe we should.. Stop. And find something for AJ to eat." Gabe smiled back at AJ.
Clementine nodded.

"Oh shit!" Gabe exclaimed. Clem quickly turned her eyes back to the road where two walkers had stumbled on. Panicking, she swerved to the right, and immediately regretted it. The woods that surrounded them were clearly against them today. Clementine felt the impact of the car hitting the tree. Her head hit the steering wheel, causing her vision to go in and out.
She heard Gabe groan. "Is everyone alright?" She could make out from him. "Clem?"
She hear faint rustling. "Who the hell are you?" Her vision was growing darker by the second. She saw hands, that weren't Gabe's, pulling AJ out of the car.
"No, please.."
The darkness suddenly engulfed her, and she felt nothing but coldness.


"C'mon Goofball!" Clem giggled. She held the polaroid in her hands and laughed at AJ. Gabe smiled down at the boy in is lap. AJ continued to laugh historically and wave his arms. Clem rolled her eyes, and brought the camera up to her eye.
The sound of the camera clicking and flash only made AJ laugh harder. As Clem laughed along with him, she grabbed the picture when it came out, waving it a bit.
She wrote the date on the trim, along with my two special boys.
Gabe placed AJ down with his toys, and walked over to where Clementine sat at the desk. She sighed, and turned to Gabe with a tired smile.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"We can't stay here, Gabe." She began, turning her wolf colored eyes back to the photograph. "We're running low on supplies, and more and more walkers are coming around. It's not safe."

Gabe sighed and grabbed Clementine's hand. "I know, I know. But, where exactly are we going to go?"

She shrugged. "We could always go back to Richmond?" She glanced up at him. "I know Kate would love to see AJ. Javi too."

Gabe chuckled. "Javi would probably try to get him playing baseball. And Kate would smother him with hugs." Gabe smiled sadly. It was clear he missed his family deeply. "I don't know. Maybe."

"How about we figure it out tomorrow?" She asked, standing up to grab AJ. Gabe nodded in agreement. She carried the boy to his makeshift bed, laying him down gently. "Goodnight Goofball." She leaned down and kissed his head.

Gabe had laid down on their shared bed before Clementine, and had managed to screw up the covers majorly. This caused Clem to groan and toss a pillow at his head. Gabe chuckled as Clementine yanked the covers back over to her side.

"Good night, Gabe." She smiled when she felt his hand grab hers, and him mumble a tired 'good night'

(Wow! That took so long! Srry for the wait. Hope you enjoyed! And sorry for any errors💕)

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