CH. 6 - First Secret: Monster

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Chapter Six - First Secret: Monster.
POV - Cale Hathaway.

I have two secrets. Two secrets that I don't even tell my closest friends. The first secret wasn't as bad as the second.

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I ran through the forest. My fur going wild and my eyes looking straight ahead of me. The trees, bushes, undergrowth, and randomly placed stumps and fallen trees swishing past me with each stride.

I am a werewolf.

A freak of nature.

A beast.

A monster.

I hated myself for this secret. I couldn't tell my family, friends, or other people I cared about. I was born this way and I felt so out of place among my peers and human family.

No one in my family even knew.

My mother had been a human and my father a werewolf; an alpha in fact. (I knew because I was bigger than the average size wolf.)

My dad hadn't stuck around after mom had passed after having me, since humans dont have enough strength to birth a child of the moon.

So being depressed and financially unstable to raise a child he gave me to his brother, who's family was whole and better off.

Dad hadn't told his brother that I was a werewolf, since he probably wouldn't have kept me otherwise. I mean who would want to raise a child that could turn wolf every time he became frustrated or mad? How would you even control him if he didn't have an adult to teach him and explain his situation?

I had to learn how to handle shifting, as well as my anger, before I could be taken to live with Uncle Jeff.

In order to act 'normally' dad taught me right after he decided I would be living with my uncle.

He taught me with exercises such as taking my anger out on an inanimate object rather than a person, he made me shift frequently so I'd 'get used' to the pain, (which you never actually 'get used to' ever.) and be a proper wolf that knows of higher ranks and the danger out in the wild.

All of which was put to the test on the final length of training; a week before I had to pack my things and move to my uncles.

My father made me stay out in the wilderness for four days and never shift to my human self.

In this given amount of time I had to:

* Stay alive on elk carcasses, fish, and smaller game.

* Kill two large animals and place them were ever I established my territory and den site to live within that week. (Dad assessing the animals afterward.)

* Mark and defend my territory from hunters or large predators.

* And finally, study all the types of howls to perform for him when I returned from my outback trek.

Yes, you could say my father was cruel and unreasonable to make a ten year old boy live out in the woods for a week in the middle of december; but I thought it helped me grow.

This hard and death-defying experience helped me learn in more ways than I could have if he just told me or demonstrated in our backyard.

I learned what it meant to protect myself. Kill or be killed. I learned how to fight and survive.

Even with accomplishing the training corse, it wasn't easy living among humans at such a young age. I had to adjust to my new surroundings, adapt. Being a wolf, I was a territorial animal that could hurt a petty human because he started eating before me when I was higher ranking than him.

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