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Context: Stiles has a little brother named Ben and invites his secret girlfriend (Lydia) over while their dad is out

The doorbell rang once and that was all it took for Stiles to leap out of bed and nearly sprint out of his room. He stopped, the smaller figure leaning against the wall, looking down the stairs, all too curious. Stiles knelt to his level.
"Stay in your room, I don't know who it is." Stiles instructed and the younger boy nodded before running off. That was way too easy, Stiles thought. He knew damn well who was at the door and continued his fast pace downstairs. A grin greeted her.
"Hi Lydia." He said her name as if there was someone to announce her presence to.

"Your dad is working, right?" She asked quietly, peering inside to see if the sheriff was there. Her eyes caught someone else though.
"Who's that?" She smiled and closed the door behind her before waving slightly to the little boy on the staircase.
Stiles whipped around. "You little shit, I told you to stay in your room!" He ran off towards the boy. He screamed and ran as well, still talking.
"You've never told your girlfriend about me?"
"She's not my girlfriend!"

The boy ran into his room but Stiles prevented him from closing the door by slamming his body against it.
"She has to leave." The boy tried to close the door, grunting in a struggle. Stiles pushed back harder.
"She's staying."
"I'll tell dad!"
Stiles slipped causing the door to slam with a loud thud. The lock clicked and Stiles' eyes widened. "You are not telling dad about this."
The boy yelled back, "Why shouldn't I?"
Stiles glanced over his shoulder at the stairs and groaned in frustration. "I will give you full living room tv control for a month." There was a pause. The door unlocked and a small face peeked up at Stiles.
"And pizza tonight?"
"A) Dad said no pizza and B) he didn't leave any money for food."
"A) we're already breaking the 'no girls' rule and B) I think I saw your wallet in the kitchen."

The kid eyed him before surrendering completely and coming out of his room. Stiles snatched him by the arm and dragged him downstairs, nothing Lydia now on the couch.
"Lydia, this is my little brother, Ben. He's a ten year old nuisance who will be staying in his room for the remainder of the night." Stiles began to lead Ben back to his room but the younger boy pushed him away.
"Like hell I will." He scoffed.
"Don't cuss."
"You sound like dad."
"Well if I'm babysitting you I have to sound like dad otherwise you won't listen to me." Stiles crossed his arms.
"You're not even babysitting me, you're going to be too busy eating her face off."
Stiles lunged for the kill but Ben took off screaming, bounding up the stairs. Holding onto the banister, Stiles yelled after him. "THE PIZZA DEAL IS OFF!"
Grunting with frustration, Stiles plopped down next to Lydia on the sofa. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"So I'm not your girlfriend?" Lydia asked shyly.
Stiles stuttered. "Well not yet I mean." After all this was only their fourth date. And could this even be considered a date? Bargaining with his little brother to keep her a secret?

He smiled before pushing forward, connecting their lips.

"You aren't supposed to be doing that."
"Stiles, it's okay I should be going."
"What? Why?"
She cocked her head. "You know why. Tell Ben I said it was nice to meet him." She stood on her toes to give him a kiss and he smiled, holding her at the waist. He pulled her back in, kissed her again, longer that time. Pulling apart with a soft smile, Lydia told the boy she loved goodbye and closed the front door behind her. Stiles heard footsteps quickly race up the stairs behind him and he didn't have to turn around to know Ben had been watching them.

He opened the door slowly, as if any movement whatsoever would wake the older boy. "Stiles?" He called quietly. When there was no response, he thought about how stupid it was. His brother wouldn't care, he'd just get grumpy and tell him to leave.
"You okay?" Stiles sat up, rubbed at one eye but kept his focus on Ben. Pattering inside, he crawled into the bed as Stiles moved over to make room for him. They lay silent for a while, to the point where both were convinced the other was asleep.
"You really like that girl."
"Her name is Lydia. . . .do you like her?"
"I think she's a girl."
"You think I'm not going to pay attention to you anymore."
"I didn't say that."
"You didn't have to."

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