Falling in love with Marty McFly

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I got this from
@/writings-from-an-american-virgin on Tumblr!


It had been a long day in Hill Valley, and what you needed was a nap. A really, really, seriously LONG nap. Where better to take a nap than your amazing boyfriend's house? Marty never minds having you over, although you can't say the same for his parents. His mom adores you, and his dad approves, but they dislike that you two are always alone in his room... With the door closed all the way. That's beside the point though - you two kept it PG... For the most part. They should be more worried about what you two do out of the house.

Currently though you were on your back, laying on Marty's bed while he laid on top of you, his head resting above your heart while he snores silently. You would have fallen asleep along with him if it weren't for you getting distracted. You didn't often get to just lay down and admire your boyfriend. He was always up and around, having to do something. It was times like this that you liked to study his face. His beautiful face.

You continuously run your fingers through his hair, attempting not to wake him by pulling at any knots along the way. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, a look not often acquainted with him. Marty was anxious a lot of the time, trying to prove that he 'isn't chicken', or doing something last-minute for a class. You like seeing him calm. He deserves to be calm.

It takes you a few moments to realise that there are two sleepy blue eyes staring back at you, and you grin back at him.


"Y/N," he pushes himself up so he can see your face clearly. "You okay?" You press your lips together and nod, watching the way he uses one hand to tiredly rub the sleep out of his eyes, even though you both know that nap-time is far from over.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you, Martin McFly?" You murmur, draping your arms lazily over his shoulders. You ask the question even though you know you haven't - you two had taken the lovey-dovey part of the relationship a bit slow. You remember Marty telling you (before you'd begun dating) that it took him a year and a half to tell his first significant other that he loved them. You understand when it takes him a few moments to get over his initial shock.

"I-I," He stutters, then clears his throat in the adorable way he always does when he's nervous. "I love you too, babe." He smiles at you, and in your heart, you know he means it too.

I actually updated! Yay!!!
I figured it was about damn time, so here you go :) I'll try to be more active with this book.

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