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{trigger warning: sexual content, mention of drug abuse, mention of suicide, mention of AIDS, attempt to make someone take drugs}

"What'd you forget?" Josh called out in question of the knock on his door. Assuming it was Colin, his roommate, he didn't bother turning around to check. Not until an unfamiliar voice responded.

"Sorry, to intrude, but... you gotta light?"

A scrawny kid that couldn't be any older than eighteen stood in the door of his studio apartment, clutching an unlit candle with one hand. He wore clothing that was definitely not suitable for December in New York- a thin grey turtleneck, high waisted black shorts, and torn metallic leggings underneath. His feet were bare, and his nails- both fingers and toes- were painted neon purple with metallic glitter. The polish was already chipping.

"And who are you?" Josh asked, setting his guitar on the table. "You're shivering."

"Oh, it's nothing. My heat won't turn on and I'm just feeling a little weak."

The boy stepped forward into the room, rubbing his free hand up and down his arm. His lips were tainted blue, yet his skin looked slick with sweat. Josh grabbed his coat off a chair and slung it over the boy, who shrunk into it and smiled gratefully. He was wearing heavy makeup.


"Not a problem."

"So... can you light it?" The boy asked, waving the candle in Josh's face. "What are you staring at?"

"Oh, nothing." Your eyes in the moonlight. Josh fished a box of matches from his pocket and struck one stick on the side. A flame erupted on the tip, and he lit the wick before blowing the fire out. "You look familiar."

The boy smiled with teeth peeking through his lips, his dark eyes dancing in the yellow flame. Dark lashes, pale skin, dark eyes. His head tilted backwards, his smile turning mischievous. "Do I?"

He spun on his toes, almost immediately tripping over his feet. Josh grabbed his arm before he fell.

"Are you okay? Can you make it?"

"Yeah, sorry. I just haven't eaten much today," the boy laughed nervously. "At least the room stopped spinning."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." A beat passed, and Josh kept a hold on his elbow as he walked him to the door. "What?" The boy asked accusingly, teasing Josh with a smile.

"Nothing. Your smile reminds me of..." Josh winced.

The boy rolled his eyes. "I always remind people of someone. Who is she?"

"She died." Josh backpedaled when alarm crossed his face. "Her name was Ashley. She killed herself."

The candle blew out at the sharp exhale the boy let out, and he turned around again, holding it out in front of him. His eyes were downcast. "It's out again. Sorry about your friend."

It took Josh a moment and the candle being lit again to realize the real reason why he was upset- the boy was trying to flirt with him, and Josh essentially just told him he liked girls.

"Her girlfriend was more worse off," he said, shaking the matchstick off.

His eyes lit up. "I'm sorry for her loss too."

Josh's hand was still in on the boy's arm, who walked the two back so he could hop onto the table and be eye level with him. His lips were dangerously close to Josh's, but before they met, he jerked away, hissing.

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