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1 Month Later

"Are you good princess?"

I look up to my boss staring at me with worried eyes, "Yes, yes I am I'm so sorry. I just...I don't know. I'm so tired and I don't know why."

"Go home and rest," He said pointing towards the door.

"What? No. No sir, you hired me to do a job, and that's what I am going to do." I told him

"Jeanna I'm the boss and what I say goes." He said sternly

I open my mouth then close it after accepting the fact that I lost this round. He followed me towards the back to get my stuff. I clock out and headed towards the door.

"Jeanna, go home and rest for me please. Lately you been acting different. I've been praying for you."

I tighten my lips and nodded my head. I headed outside and smiled at the nice weather. I pulled my phone out and check the time. I frowned at all the miss calls I had from Bill. He been looking for me for awhile and I don't know why. I haven't did anything to him. I was gon go home, but instead I text Theresa to come pick me up and take me to her place.


"Aight bitch, you and Ricky must be in love with my ass or something," She said as we walk into her apartment.

"Damn what the fuck did I do?" Ricky ask coming out his room yawning.

"I'm just saying y'all love being with me for some reason."

"Well damn," I fake hurt as I headed for the door.

"Touch it if you want to Jeanna," Theresa warn causing me to laugh.

"I'm too tired for you anyway. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, but I hope I finally feel better." I told them

"Do y'all wanna hear about my day," Ricky ask singing with a smile.

"Oh lord," Theresa said shaking her head.

"Bitch fuck you. Anyway I saw this fine ass dude that stay above us. Ohh yes ma'am he fine."

I couldn't hold my laughter on how bad Ricky was acting, "What he look like?"

"Oh baby he was dark as fuck just like I like 'em, tall as fuck just like I like 'em, big and strong just like I like 'em. Ba-baby I don't mind giving him everything he need and deserve."

I was dead as I look through Theresa fridge. I been eating like crazy lately and having weird ass craving. The other day I wanted a steak and mayo with mac and cheese and ketchup.

"Get yo fat ass out my fridge."

"No, fuck you."

"Yo ass been eating too much," Ricky said making me bite my lip.

I turned around towards them staring at me with confusion. I didn't know what to say because I'm just as confused as them.

"Jeanna are you sure, you handled that situation." Theresa ask

Before I knew it I was crying as I shook my head confirming that I did. I don't know why I'm still going through stuff that a pregnant woman do.

"Baby I think you didn't," Ricky said as he held me.

"I-I went to the clinic I swear I did. I remember going the rude lady at the desk and the doctor. I remember going to the back with the doctor and seeing a lady leaving crying. I remember everything."

"We need to see if you're still pregnant." Theresa said.

"I-" I was going to say I wasn't but fuck it. I know that I am.

What's so scary is that I think it's too late to abort it. Why me?


I sat in the chair at the doctor office Theresa go to. She said that he is the best in town, and everyone loves him. I'm a little scared at the fact that she said "everyone". What if this the place that Bill took his wife.

I wouldn't know what to do if it was. I refuse to let Bill know that I was at a clinic because I thought I was pregnant for the second time.

"Miss Banks."

I look up to a small older woman standing there smiling. She waved me over to her and I slowly got up.

"Hello," I said with my face down.

We started walking towards a room, "Why are you walking with your head down?"

"I uh I really don't know what to feel."

Once we was in the room she turned towards me with big smile, "You should be happy. Right? I mean we are going to find out whether you're pregnant or not."

I nodded my head, "Yes, you are so right."

She passed me a cup and told me what all I had to do before sending me off to the bathroom. Once I was done I walk back slowly to the room. I stared at the cup thinking this don't look like a pregnant person pee. Might be a normal person pee.

"Oh good you're back, I got worried about you. You was in there for a good minute," She said before taking the cup and heading out with it.

I grabbed my phone and started to play a game so I can get my mind off of it. Lately there haven't been any games I can play on my phone that was phone. Luckily they came out with another sims game for the phone.

Soon she was back and I watch her every movement. She had a bunch of stuff with her and papers. I tried to read them since I can't see her face to see whether or not I'm pregnant.

She continued sorting things out that started to piss me off, but thankfully she got the messaged and turned her ass around.

"Congratulations Miss Banks, you are three months pregnant." She said with a big smile before coming over to me to help me lay down.

I sat there letting her words replay in my head. I watched her move around the room through the tears that build up in my eyes. Soon I was laying down and I heard her speaking so I nodded my head not really caring. I frown once I saw her move my shirt up.

"What are you doing?"

She put some stuff on my belly and then she grabbed this weird thing and rubbed it around. My eyes look up towards the screen in front of me.

"I ask did you want to see the baby, and you said yes."

I wanted to move her hand but didn't. I knew I couldn't see the baby but it is too late for that. Soon I was hearing the low heartbeat. I look up at her as she smiled at me.

"In two more months we will know the gender."

I swallowed the spit in my mouth as I nodded.

"Oh my," She said as she quickly stop moving and look down at me with a big smile.


"I see another baby."

My heart stop for a moment before it started beating fast, "What do you mean you see another baby?"

"Look sweetie," She said with excitement as she showed me the images on the screen.

She told me what we was looking at and sure enough it was two babies unless my baby got two heads and four legs and arms. I knew by then I was crying, but what for. The fact that I'm pregnant or the fact that they are twins. Was they supposed to be triplets because I know I had and abortion. Omg, they are not twins they are triplets and I killed one of them. I killed my baby.

Sorry for mistakes. Sorry this chapter was short. I will make it longer for everyone on the next chapter. I'm thinking about changing the name of this story. I'm also thinking about adding another character. Enjoy your day. Love yall😘

Published: 2/18/2019

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