Rolling thunder

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It's been two weeks since Megan was pregnant and she was still mad at Keith for leaving her with his baby but she had to get over it and finish school

" Megan c'mon now you have to go to school today" Madison says shaking Megan
" no I want to stay home again" Megan says turning over " you stayed home yesterday" Madison says sitting on the bed
" but I have body aches" Megan says
" stop lying you don't have those until you're belly is bigger" Madison " my body does hurts" Megan says " get up and I'll get you out of school early today" Madison says " you will" Megan says exciting " yes just go to school at least" Madison begs " ok I will but I don't like that other girls are talking about me and calling me names" Megan says " don't listen to them they're probably jealous because you're having his baby" Madison says rubbing Megan's back
" mmmm maybe so" Megan says

" Megan you're okay" Kylie asks " yeah I'm good" Megan says " aww look at your baby bump it's so small" Kylie says rubbing Megan's belly " that tickles stop" Megan laughs
" I can't wait til it gets bigger" Kylie says " I can wait" Megan says
Megan's outfit

"Megan can you answer this question please" the teacher asks " u-um I-I'm not sure" Megan replies " you should stay in school more Megan if you're not sure" the teacher says " I come to school enough" Megan says " well if you do you should pay att...

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"Megan can you answer this question please" the teacher asks " u-um I-I'm not sure" Megan replies " you should stay in school more Megan if you're not sure" the teacher says " I come to school enough" Megan says " well if you do you should pay attention more" the teacher says
" don't get mad stay calm" Kylie says holding Megan hand " I'll stay but she's making it seem like I don't pay attention" Megan says
" don't listen to her she's just talking" Kylie says " alright I'll forget about it" Megan says

Class was over and Megan was feeling tired she just wanted to stay home and rest but she couldn't so she decided to go to the library to lay her head down but some random girls came up to her

" so you're girl that went with Keith" a girl asks
" yeah I still go with him" Megan says
" sure about that because he texted me" a girl says " no he didn't because he didn't respond to my message I sent him" Megan says
" look he texted me" a girl says " I don't believe it" Megan says " oh yeah here look at the message here" the girl says

Keith- I was using Megan I never wanted her anyways

Jessica- you were but why didn't you leave her anyways

Keith- she's pregnant with my baby so I decided to leave her

Jessica- you did this for me babe💋

Keith- yeah I had to and you know I had to sweet talk her too just so she would give her virginity to me

Jessica- thanks baby🥰

Keith- your welcome baby

Jessica- Are you going back to her after she haves her baby?

Keith- No I'm staying with you of course😍

Jessica- okk babe you have to stop ttyl😘

When Megan saw those messages she ran out the library and into the restroom but she didn't notice it was the boys restroom

" why are you in here slut" a boy yells
" she probably wants some more sex from other boys since Keith left her" another boy says laughing " or maybe she's here to blame us for Keith leaving" one boy says
" I'm not here for any of that" Megan says before running out the boys restroom

Megan runs out the restroom to only see a crowd of people laughing and talking about her and posters about her being pregnant plus a slut. Megan runs through the people and she ran out the school building and into the nearest Park. She broke down crying wondering why did she get slut-shamed by people

" Megan let's go" Madison says walking up to her " mom I want to go to a new school now" Megan yells " calm down you can go to a new school I saw what they did to you" Madison says " when did you come" Megan asks
" I was driving in the parking lot and saw posters about you being pregnant and being a slut" Madison says " I'm not slut plus Keith used me" Madison says " what do you mean he used you" Madison asks " this girl showed me the messages between him and her" Megan says " what did I do to deserve this" Megan asks
" nothing baby" Madison says " can we go home" Megan asks " I need to rest" Megan says " yes you need rest after all this mess that just happened" Madison says driving home
" yeah that mess" Megan sighs

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