Finding out

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Madison in the MM☝🏾

Megan was so scared to tell her mom that she started to vomit again.
" Megan you ok" Keith asks stopping the car
" no I'm scared" Megan says before vomiting outside " you got to stop vomiting" Keith says
" I can't I'm too nervous" Megan says
" are you hungry or anything" Keith asks
" no I can't eat because I throw it right back up" Megan says holding her stomach " can you at least try eating" Keith says " I'll try but I might save it" Megan says " do you want to wait to tell them" Keith asks " yes I'm not ready yet" Megan says " ok I'll get you some food and take you home" Keith says " can I stay with you" Megan asks " uh I have some business to take care of and you can't stay with me plus you have my baby in you" Keith says " ok I'll go home" Megan says looking out the window
" here's your food" Keith hands her the food
" thanks" Megan says opening the bag
" you do like chicken and fries right" Keith asks
" yeah I love chicken" Megan says

Home Sweet Home
Megan arrived home to only see her mother home early and she got nervous and ran to the bathroom to throw up " honey you ok" Madison says running after her " yes mom I'm ok I had bad lunch today" Megan says " with Keith what did he feed you" Madison asks
" it was good from the arcade I wanted to eat from there" Megan says wiping her mouth
" you sure do you need to go to the" Madison says before she's cut off " NO!" Megan yells before running out the bathroom to her room
" Megan!" Madison yells " mom I'm fine please stop asking me" Megan yells " no you're not please let me help you" Madison says " mom what do you want to help me with then" Megan yells " I want to know if you're alright" Madison asks " fine mom I'm pregnant with Keith's baby" says before she starts to cry
" Megan why didn't you tell me" Madison says before getting tissues for Megan
" I didn't tell you because I thought you would be mad or disappoint of me" Megan says as she cries " does Keith know" Madison asks
" yes he's know we went to the doctor together today after the arcade" Megan says
" did you tell Kylie yet" Madison asks " no" Megan says " let me call her over here" Madison says
*ring *ring *ring
Kylie- hello
Madison- can you come over Megan needs to tell you something
Kylie- ok I'm on the way now

" Kylie you're finally here" Madison says letting her in " where's Megan" Kylie asks
" she's upstairs" Madison says " Megan come down now" Madison yells " ok I'm coming" Megan says " Kylie don't be mad at me but please listen to me too" Megan says " don't tell me your pre- Kylie asks surprised " I'm pregnant Kylie" Megan says " Keith is the father isn't he" Kylie asks " yes" Megan says shaking her head " OMG is it a girl or boy" Kylie yells " Kylie stop yelling my head hurts but I didn't find out what gender it is" Megan says " I think you should be happy you're mom is supportive and me plus the dad too don't be sad Megan" Kylie says " yeah you shouldn't be sad as long I support you and Kylie plus Keith you'll be fine" Madison says while patting her back " you two are right I should be happy but what about school" Megan asks " don't worry I got it handled" Kylie says " ok let me call Keith to let him know I told y'all" Megan says pulling her phone out

*ring *ring *ring
Your call has been forward to the automatic voicemail
" did he answer" Madison asks " no I'll try again" Megan says " wait you sure he isn't at work" Kylie adds on " oh yeah he did say he had to work earlier" Megan says " call him tomorrow" Madison says " but we have school tomorrow" Megan says " you'll see him at school right" Madison asks " yeah he goes to the same school as us

Megan's outfit

SchoolMegan's outfit

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Kylie's outfit

" Megan do you see him" Kylie asks " why are you covered up like that its not that cold it's warm outside" Megan says " I'm covered up because algee abuses me so much on my body and left marks on me" Kylie whispers " is he still there" Megan asks ...

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" Megan do you see him" Kylie asks " why are you covered up like that its not that cold it's warm outside" Megan says " I'm covered up because algee abuses me so much on my body and left marks on me" Kylie whispers " is he still there" Megan asks " no I haven't seen him since last night" Kylie says  " mhmm that's weird" Megan says looking around " Keith couldn't leave if he had a baby on the way" Kylie says " I hope not" Megan says

Megan and Kylie went to class still trying to figure out where did they go but after class ended rumors went around about Megan's pregnancy and Kylie getting abused

" Is she really pregnant with the new boy baby" a voice whisper " did Kylie let that boy beat on her" another girl says
" Kylie people are talking about us" Megan whispers " no they're not" Kylie says
" yes they are and everybody found out I'm pregnant and you're getting abused" Megan says " how did they find- Kylie says
" Megan fox and Kylie Jenner the counselor wants to speak with you two" a woman says
" hello Kylie and Megan I heard about the rumors going around is it true" the counselor asks " yes it's true but what's the point of hiding it and the whole school knows" Kylie says " well I wanted to confirm it" the counselor says " I don't care, stop asking me about my pregnancy and leave me alone" Megan yells " Megan calm down" the counselor says " NO! As long as my baby is born healthy I don't need Keith help raise my baby I can do myself!" Megan yells before leaving
" wait Megan come back" Kylie yells before chasing Megan

" Megan why are you home early" Madison asks " mom I don't want to go to school anymore" Megan yells " why not" Madison asks
" somehow the school found out I'm pregnant and Kylie was getting abused by her boyfriend" Megan shouts " I'll let you stay home tomorrow but you can't quit school" Madison says " but I want too" Megan cries " Megan stop it you're stressing yourself out and the baby" Madison says " Keith promised me he'll stay with me through my pregnancy and he didn't" Megan says " don't let them bring you down own up to pregnant and let them talk and you're going to be a mother and I'm going to be a grandma" Madison says " I'll try mom" Megan says
" stop saying you'll try just do it" Madison says
" you can stay home tomorrow but after that go to school" Madison adds on
" Ok but I'm hungry now" Megan says
" you're not the only one that's hungry" Madison says laughing " mom you're hungry too" Megan asks " yeah but I was talking about your baby" Madison adds on

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