Body Of Nine

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"Tom Paris, To my ready room"

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"Tom Paris, To my ready room". Lieutenants log stardate  52067.29670852337. Voyager has entered her fourth year in the Delta quadrant and it feels were not getting home anytime soon. there has been no sign of Borg activity but we are now in orbit around an M class planet what all female race called the Zaaslor live. 

"Captain what pleasure can I serve you?". 

"Lieutenant ambassador ha'lara is coming on board for a look round voyager I was wondering whether you could accommodate her being that when you first met her on the surface you seemed to get on quite well". asked Captain Janeway 

"Yes Mam". I walked to the transporter room to meet her. Harry told me he was rather jealous but did'nt mind. Seven wished me luck well in her usually borg manner and so this is where the story of how i ended up looking like the human version of Seven of nine. 

i greeted the ambassador but she seemed to have a peculiar effect on me i think the first words she said was "Can i have a quick glimps of your computer i here its something rather special" she said. little did i know she was to use it to put a body print on me. you see in there culture they are infact lesbians and reproduce by turning men into females. 

I can remember her sweet soft lips kiss me then the next moment i woke up in sick bay with the doctor said i was mutateing. I was growing boobs and my body was becomeing more softer, curvier and more feminine. Harry said i  kinda looked hot. bloned hair came cascadeing down my face and my voice broke. Captain Janeway said i looked the spitting image of Anika Hansen seven of nines former human self. 

It took some time to convince the ambassador to change me back but the doctor found the cure for the extra Estrogen hormones and i started to change back into my usual tom paris self, Best piolet on voyager, Captain of the Delta Flyer, captain proton all that. 

"computer enter log into Weird moments on voyager by tom paris file."

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