"Well, yes I do normally go around 6, and I appreciate all the effort you've gone to for me but I can't go tonight."

"What? Why?"

"I have to go to the dentist."

"Screw the dentist this is more important."

"I wouldn't even be able to enjoy the date because I would be in pain."

"Well, what time is the appointment for?"

"5 o'clock," I say cringing.

"I can work with that. It'll be fine. I'll drive you there and then drop you off at the restaurant. I'm a much more efficient driver than you."

"Lizzy come on, it's going to be so rushed, why don't you just cancel it and reschedule it for tomorrow?"

"No, I can't. I am not going to risk you skipping this date because then there is a huge possibility that it will never end up happening and sorry, but I'm not about to take that chance."

"Okay, I'll go. For you."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret it."

"Well we still have a few hours until we have to leave so do you guys just want to chill here?" I question.

They both agree and we end up deciding to just relax and watch a movie. Luckily Grace was here because she remined me about the cupcakes in the oven. That was a disaster waiting to happen.

A half hour before we have to leave, we head upstairs and Liz and Grace help me get ready. I'm going to be a little overdressed for the dentist but I'm not going to have time to change afterwards so I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

Now when Lizzy said she was a more efficient driver, what she really meant was when needed, she tends to make a decision within herself that the speed limit is not something that should be strictly followed and is something that is merely a suggestion. I thought every second car was going to be the police yet somehow, we made it to the dentist with no speeding fines.

I let the man at the reception desk know that I am here and he gestured for us to sit down in the waiting room. Shortly after a lady dressed in all white calls my name.

"Hello Ava, I'm Maria and I am your dentist for today," she says as she leads me towards a consulting chair. "So, what are we looking at today?"

"Well I think I've cracked my tooth," I say putting my finger to the back of my mouth to show her where it is.

She takes a look at it before coming to a decision.

"You have done a pretty good job with that Ava. You have two options here. I can just fill it for you however this is just a temporary fix. The second option, which is the one that I personally feel is the best one, is to just remove it for you."

"So even if you just fix it, it will cause me pain again in the future?" I question.

"Yes, that is more than likely what will happen unfortunately."

"Alright. Rip it out," I say before I have too much time to think about it.

"Okay. So, for this procedure I will have to give you a needle in the side of your mouth to numb the gums. I also have some laughing gas on hand if you feel you'll need it as long as you aren't driving home," she questions looking towards Lizzy and Grace.

"No, that's fine. I'll be driving home," Lizzy chimes in.

I prepare myself for the needle by squeezing my fist but I am surprised that it didn't actually hurt as much as I was expecting. The whole procedure doesn't take too long and Maria seems to really know what she is doing which I am internally grateful for. I get through the whole thing without any laughing gas which was disappointing because I really wanted to use some, which led me to my next question.

The Unfortunate Task of DatingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя