Daddy Daughter Days (Bucky x Baby Reader)

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Warnings : fluffy fluffity fluff. It seems like a lot of people liked the Steve version of this, so I figured I'd make a Bucky version.  Timelines might not match the MCU, but I also haven't gotten that far yet, so that could change. Also I feel like it's so short, sorry. Also... the way he looks at this baby gives me baby fever, stop it! Asshole!

First Night Together

James Buchanan Barnes, he finally knew his name, thanks to the man who called him Bucky. Now that he escaped from Hydra, he knew he needed to go on the run, people were going to be after him regardless, and he needed to keep himself safe until he knew more about who he was. With minimal supplies and a map of the city, he began to think of places he could go that no one would expect, and an empty park seemed like the best place to do this.

As he was reading over the map, he couldn't stop hearing a rustling in the bushes. Quickly grabbing his gun, he went to go investigate, eyes widening at the sight of nothing. A small cry could be heard at his feet, and looking down he couldn't help but feel a pinch of sadness wash over him. It was an abandoned baby, it was you. At first he thought it was a trap, someone trying to kidnap him once again, taking advantage of his good nature deep down.

When he heard you cry again, he was pulled from his thoughts, carefully lifting you up and holding you with his human arm as close as he could. A quiet shush from him being enough to cease your cries for a moment, opening your eyes to see the mysterious figure that had been the only one to pay you any mind for the entire day. "It'll be alright." He whispered, looking around once more to make sure this wasn't a trap. When he heard a small whine come from you once more, he began to gently rock you back and forth in his arm as he went to leave the park with you. "We're gonna get out of here alright? Maybe the world isn't as bad as we think. Will you stick with me?" He asked, lightly smiling when he heard you gurgle at him in response. "I'll take that as a yes baby doll, or should I call you y/n?"

And with that, the two of you began you're journey together.


Throughout the last six months, you had Bucky wrapped around your finger. At the first sight of tears, you were instantly in his arms, receiving kisses and raspberries on your cheek and forehead. For the most part it always worked, except for now.

"Come on baby doll, don't cry." Bucky cooed, swaying the two of you back and forth in the middle of his apartment in Romania. "Don't cry sweetie, daddy's here." He continued whispering to you, using his metal and to hold you close to his chest. "I wish you could tell me what's wrong. What is it baby doll?"

Your crying continued as you began chewing on his shirt, barely getting the relief you needed on your aching gums. When his shirt wasn't enough, you tried your hand. It still wasn't enough for your pain, but it was enough to get Bucky's attention, as well as give him an idea.

Placing you on the mattress on the floor, he quickly ran to the kitchen sink, soaking his metal arm in hot water and soap to get any germs off, then switching to cold water before shoving it in the freezer for a moment. When he made his way back to you, he held you in his human arm, having you sit on his thigh and lean against his arm for support before holding his frozen metal hand out for you to take.

Touching it, you felt it was cold, and as most children do with new things, you put his thumb in your mouth, smiling when you felt relief on your gums. "There you are! There's my happy baby!" Bucky cooed, kissing your forehead as you soother your aching gums. Truth was, Bucky would do anything for you, even cause his whole body to chill to freeze his metal arm, if it meant you wouldn't cry over you're new teeth growing in, he was happy.

First Words

Usually children learn their first words between six and eight months, of course that's when they hear people around them talk. With only you and Bucky, there wasn't too much talking. Mostly mumbling to himself while he wrote in his journal, with you either at his feet, or on the table playing with his hair.

Almost a year and a half had gone by now, and he still hadn't heard the sweet sound of your voice, but he knew the circumstances had to have something to do with it. Nothing about the situation was normal, especially the fact that he would leave you unattended, surrounded by chairs around the mattress, while he went to go get food for the two of you. Sure it would only be about ten minutes, but that was an eternity to you.

Normally your time spent alone was uneventful, trying to plan a way to escape so you could roam around your home freely, but this time was different. Hearing someone coming into the room caused you to smile, assuming it was your father, but when a man in a red white and blue suit walked past you, you became confused.

"Understood." You heard the man say to himself as he looked through your fathers journal, something that was not alright in your book, causing you to babble nonsense at him. When he turned around, you smirked a little as you watched his eyes grow wide, thinking he was intimidated by you.

"Come here baby doll." You heard from behind you, causing you to smile and reach for Bucky.

"You have a kid?"

"Get out." Bucky told the man, holding you just a bit tighter and closer to his chest.

"You know me."

"No... no I don't."

"You're lying." The man responded, stepping closer to the two of you. "Look, there isn't time for questions, we need to get the two of you out of here, fast."

"We can do that on our own." Your dad spoke up, grabbing the supplies he needed in the bag behind him.

"Buck, please. Let us help you, we can at least get her out of here. These men aren't planning on taking you alive, if they don't see her-"

"What's your plan?" Bucky cut him off, eyes watering at the thought of anything happening to you, kissing your forehead in the process.

"Sam, come in, now." In the blink of an eye, a man with wings showed up on the balcony, keeping look out for them. "Give her to him. He'll keep her safe and we will meet up at our rondevu."

Bucky slowly walked over to the man, looking down at you in his arms with tears in his eyes. The two of you had never been away from each other for more than ten minutes. This was without a doubt the hardest moment for him so far. "I love you baby doll, I'll see you soon." He told you, kissing your cheek one more time before handing you off.


"Oh my god..." before he could even enjoy the moment of your first word, a bomb was thrown into the building, going off and causing you to cry. "Go! Now! Get her out of here!"

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