The Young Dentist

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A Beautiful young Dentist once set up a small dental clinic in an old town after completing her research and studies. She was so happy when she first moved into the town, but destiny don't go the way she wanted. Things ran out of order, violent storm blew tip on her dreams, a pain right to her throat, she didn't receive any customer nor were anyone willing to visit a dentist over a piece of decayed tooth, people chew leaves which believe to cure normal gum bleedings. She was so frustrated, paying up bills for rents of months, yet not even a single customer cared to visit in. She kept crusing the  tooth fairy  which she never believed and hated when young. Now, she realised how it has finally taken its turn to ruin her. That fine night the Dentist realised an ache on her gums. She was the first customer to her own clinic, she was so happy, tears of joy came out. She couldn't help but share it to her neighbour and relatives around of how she handled it with care, adding up of how it could have affected her if she wasn't going to do nothing about it. The news of her self surgery spreaded it encouraged her neighbour and people around, slowly spread the entire town, she didn't notice it but it was all an awareness that people needed to visit a clinic and a regular check up for a better health.
She was patient and happy go lady.
One fine day an old women visited her clinic she came for an answer of how she had trouble chewing but no doctors could do anything about it, she didn't wanted to eat grinded food, the fluid will just dirty her dresses. The young Dentist inserted an artificial tooth inside and plastered the empty cavity,  through it the old woman was finally able to chew again. She rushed back home prepared to chew the steak she missed that fine morning, promising to swallow away the teeth if it falls off.
Another customer came the next morning, a young man appeared early in her clinic, he wouldn't stop twisting his tongue washing and flipping around the fourth corners of his teeth. He had a cavity and holes which gave him this itchy tongue character.  She plastered it and set him free. He left giving a bright smile. Well, some holes can never be filled. She  smiled back at him weaving good bye hoping he will line up for tooth filling the next month.

On an early Sunday morning the young Dentist went out for a short walk behind her clinic. She happened to met a young girl who was crying with her teeth all displaced with irregular growth. She cried out loud saying 'I only  wanted to smile, not scare away children' The dentist approached and suggest her to visit the clinic next morning. Upon the girl arrival  that fine morning, she performed a beautiful miracle over the girl, platinum bracelet works wonders chaining the teeth straight, she was finally able to smile, a lot more  beautiful in the future. The young Dentist has won the heart of many people by now, her works were appreciate by everyone and people of all ages visited her. She has helped some munch food again, give a pleasant character to others and a beautiful bright smile to another. Her presence was a beautiful feeling none can deny it. The young Dentist began her journey in the world of cavity and a hope inside the beautiful teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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