Chapter 6: Are you alright?

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Hanji's POV

It' been days since I last saw Levi. I started to worry about him. Even his friends say that he haven't went to school yet. I was sad.

Today, Levi once again didn't go to school. I stared blankly outside the window of the class, not caring about the teacher scolding me. Things are just not the same without him...

When we had a short break, I walked towards his friends. I decided to talk to Petra.

"Hey Petra?"


"Do you know why Levi hasn't cpme to school lately?"

"Oh. I'm afraid no."


"Hey! You're that girl Levi wants to be his val---", her sentence cut short as Oluo covered her mouth.

D-did I hear that right?!

"Sorry about what she said.", Oluo whispered then dragged Petra away.

I then planned to text Levi...

Levi's POV

I was lying in bed, awake. I felt sick for the past days. It started raining and the sound of the raindrops are putting me to sleep.

My eyes closed then I woke up by a sound of a message. It was from Hanji. "Hey what's wrong?", it read.

I ignored it and threw the phone across the room, landing safely on the couch. I hid my face in the pillow.

Hanji's POV

He isn't answering...

I tried texting him again and again but still no answer. I gave up. Maybe he's not the one afterall... He doesn't care one bit. It felt like everything I did was worthless.

I sat sadly on the bench. Erwin stood infront of me. I looked up.

"You seem down.", he said.

"Well yeah...", I replied.

"Did someone hurt you? Tell me. I'll beat them up!"

"No no. It's just that... Levi wa--"

"Oh so it's that Levi brat. I'll take care of him."

"What? No!"

"Look Hanji. No one should hurt a beautiful flower like you. So lemme handle things."

"S-seriously no need for that Erwin!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure."

He sat next to me, patting my head saying that everything will turne out fine... Well I hope so... It was an awkward silence between us. It was cut when Mike, a friend if mine, called him. I was alone again.

While I was sitting there, Levi's friends came over to me.

"Hey Hanji mind if we have a moment?", they said.

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