Chapter 24: Fortune

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     Jeremy was staring at a brochure. "Hey guys!" He Said. He started waving the brochure. "There's a fortune teller near by, We should go!". Evan and I looked at each other. "You sure?" Evan ask. Jeremy nods. "I don't see anything wrong with let's go!" Said Nelly.
Evan gave up and shrug. "Fine" I whisper. I know I'm going to regret this.
At the place, this lady wearing a long purple gown greeted us in. She puts her hand on. "You need anything, ma'am?" Evan ask. "Money" she mutters. Nelly, Jeremy, Evan, and I looked anxiously at each other. "Is a dollar enough, ma'am?" Nelly ask handing her the money. The lady shook her head madly.
"Uhh, is there any spare change??" Said Nelly frantically.
"I have my tooth".
"Eww, Jeremy" I screeched. "Tooth?" The lady stared at Jeremy. "Give me that and I'll give you all a fortune!". Jeremy sighed sadly and gave it to her.
"I'll go first and prove she's a fraud" Evan whispered to me. He sits down on the chair across from hers. She touches the sides of her crystal ball which is between the both of them.
"Ahh, Mr. William..." she sighed.
Evan jumped. "How do you know my name?!" He shouts. "I'm a fortune teller Evan, I know things..." she reply mystically. He sat back down.
"Evan, you'll be gifted with talent and pride on something you worked so hard on"
Evan stood up and went to the back. "I don't believe this poopy-ness" Evan whispered. Nelly giggled. She then sits down.
"Miss. Nelly Duke, you'll meet someone who would be with you, and stay with you, and love you, forever and ever"
Nelly was shocked. "When?" She asked excitedly. "I can't tell you that" The lady replied, again, mystically.
Jeremy went next. He looked nervous.
Very nervous.
"Ah, Mr. Jeremy Miles, what a pleasure to meet you, your brother came here before-"
Jeremy stopped her. "Wait what??! When?". "I'm sorry, that's classified information" she answered, mystically.
"Okay, Whatever, just tell me my stupid fortune already!".
"Jeremy, someone you love deep down inside will finally come out to you and tell you his secret he's been keeping...from you, his friends, and his family"
Jeremy started getting teary. He sat at a corner. Evan waddled to him and sat with him. I sat down at the chair. I'm scared. Really scared. What if it's really weird? What if it's a good one but then turns out fake???
"Miss. Y/n L/n, welcome, you might actually enjoy this one."
I gulped.
"A surprise will be coming to you sooner or later. It came from really far. So enjoy while it lasts..."
What the heck does that mean? I didn't say anything. I stood up and say "let's go". We left and probably will not be coming back. I'm scared. What is this "surprise" she's talking about? She said it's coming sooner or later. She even said I might like it. Now I'm really scared. Jeremy kept on sighing the way back. "I still can't believe Ethan went there at that nasty old place!" Jeremy argued. "Don't worry Jerry, there might be an explanation to this" Evan patted on Jeremy's back. "Yeah, it's not like it's the end of the world" Nelly snickered. Jeremy groaned. "Yeah... not". We all laughed. Even Jeremy!
You know what I wonder? I always wonder what goes on in people's heads. And in Jeremy's head, I know he is still sad about me...

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