Chapter 2

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"Ugh, my head..."

Jack sat up, his window showing him it was still night.  He went to sigh, but remembered that Tina was right next to him, sleeping.  He shook his head instead, slowly and quietly getting up and grabbing his jacket and sword in case he was attacked, leaving the room.


The stars were bright, just the way he liked them.  He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen them, what with the adventure and new life he'd adopted.  

He didn't know where he was going, but he knew what he was doing.

Walking down the street, he saw a figure in front of him.  His target.

He smiled and drew his dagger.


The stars were bright, just the way he liked them. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen them, what with the adventure and new life he'd adopted.

He didn't know where he was going, but he knew what he was doing.

Walking down the street, Jack's mind was wandering.  How did an Enderman give him those visions?  It didn't make any sense.  He sighed and kept walking.  He needed an answer.

Hopefully this worked.

Jack quickly turned into Bad Luck Alley, heading down to a shop Jesse had told him about before.  Maybe they knew something.

A stick broke behind him.

Jack drew his sword, earning a slash on the arm as the person who had passed him turned back around to face him.

Jack held his sword up in a neutral stance.  "Who are you?"

The man didn't respond, instead staring at the cut he'd made with the dagger.

"One of us."

Jack shook his head.  "Last chance.  Who are you?"

The man charged forward, Jack stepping to the side and using the flat side of the blade to trip him.  He rolled forward, turned around, and threw the dagger, pinning Jack to the wall by the edge of his sleeve and holding another dagger to his throat before Jack could pull it out.

"Fulfill your duty Ender feeder.  You are one of us.  The Endermen have decreed it."

Jack looked at him.  "I don't know what you're talking about, but leave."

"The Ender feeders don't like to wait.  By the Endermen's word, you are one of us."

"Just stop talking."

He hissed, and Jack finally saw his eyes: a dim purple glow was coming from them.

"What the nether are you?"

Again, he hissed, but lowered his dagger.  Jack took the chance, kicking his shin, then pulling the dagger out before he got up and elbowed him in the face.  Jack watched the man fall unconscious and took the mask off.

A citizen of Beacontown, one declared missing three months ago.  John Quinten.

He sighed, and grabbed him, teleporting to the jail real quick and putting him in a cell, before teleporting back to Jack and Nurm's shop.


They knew nothing.

Jack thanked them for trying and walked out, taking a look at the wound Nurm had pointed out.  Oddly enough, he wasn't bleeding.  Instead, it had instantly healed, but looked to be slightly purple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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