Chapter Two

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I get a text.

'Hey, it's Danny.' It reads.

'Hey.' I text back.

'R u ok?' He asks.

'I'm good.' I say.

'Good. They were being assholes yesterday.' He texts.

'Sorry idk if you have something against swearing.' I get a text right away from him.

It's not that much of a swear but ok. I think to myself.

'No it's coolXD' I text.

'Soo, you wanna go on a date today?' He texts.

'Or just hang out if you don't wanna call it a date.' He texts. I laugh slightly.

'Sure, let's have a date:)' I send

'Cool. I'm gonna need your address.' He sends. I text my address. He says he'll pick me up at 4:30.

I get myself ready. I get another text. I look at my phone.

'Hey Chris.' It's Tristen. A smile spreads across my face. Then I slightly frown.

'Hi.' I text.

'Whatcha doing today?' He texts.

'Goin on a date' I text. He doesn't reply.

'With like Carrie right like a girl date' He finally texts back.

'No, a date. With a guy' I say.

'Who' He asks.

'Someone I met. U don't know him.' I send.

'Im gonna call pick up.' He sends.

'K' I text then get the call on my phone. I click answer.

"Heyo." I say.

"You can stop." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Look, I'm sorry I sorta didn't pay attention to you but don't make up some fake person to know how you felt." He says. I laugh.

"You think I'm joking?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Because you're trying to make me feel the way you did." He says.

"No I'm not!" I say.

"You are don't lie I know you." He says.

"Apparently you don't." I say.

"Okay, what time is this date?" He asks.

"4:30." I state.

"Is he picking you up or are you meeting him." He asks.

"He's picking me up." I say.

"Okay. We're going on a double date." He says.

"No" I say.

"Why? Your fake boyfriend won't show?" He taunts.

"One, you're an asshole. Two so is your girlfriend that's why I don't want a 'double date' with her." I say. "And I wanna be alone with him." I say.

"Um no." He says.

"What the hell do you mean no?" I ask.

"You're not gonna be alone with him." He says.

"You're not my dad." I say.

"I'm your best friend." He says.

"No you're not. My best friends acknowledge my existence." I say and hang up. I continue to wait for 4:30 to roll by.

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