Chapter One

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'Hey, you wanna hang out?' I send to my bestfriend Tristen. He just went into a relationship with this chick Myra, so I haven't got any time to hang out with him. Which sucks. Not just because I may have had a crush on him since 4th grade, but because we've been best friends since freaking kindergarden.

'Sorry, got plans with Myra. :/' Some damn bestfriend I have. I kinda dislike Myra. One, because she stole my bestfriend and is clingy to him and doesn't let him out of her sight. Two, she's a bitch. She's literally so mean to me it sucks. So I can't even hang out with them while they're hanging out.

Actually that's okay. I don't wanna be the third wheel and watch them make out.


I need to get over him though. Wow, that's a cliché line I never thought I'd have to say.


I text my other best friend, that's a girl, named Carrie. I probably need some girl time.

'Hey, wanna hang out?' I send to her.

'Sure.' Now that's a best friend.

'Cool, meet me at Lumié' Lumié is our favorite café.

'K' She replies.

I walk to my dresser and dress into short jeans then I put on a flowy lavander tank with lace straps.

I brush out my hair. I let it stay down. I look at how long it's gotten. I like the look of it. I have brown hair with light brown ombre. I put a lavender bow at the back of my hair just for some color. I have bracelets on my wrist that I always have on, like all the time. Eventually I will take them off.

But they look good with my outfit so I'm keeping them on. I put on nude makeup. Then chapstick, that gives a pink-ish color. Then some light mascara. I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder. I grab my keys and phone, slip on some white flip-flops take one final look in the mirror, and head out the door.

I decied to walk to Lumié since it's pretty close to my house, lucky me. I get there and wait for Carrie. Afew minutes later Carrie comes in her car.

"Heyyy." She says. I chuckle.

"Heyyy" I mock.

"So," She sits down at the two-people table that I'm sitting at. "What's up." She asks.

"Nothing much, you?" I ask.

"Nothing." She says. We order some stuff to eat.

"You alright?" Carrie asks looking at me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I say.

"Oh c'mon. Something's up, tell me." She says. I shake my head.

"It's stupid." I say

"But it's bothering you." She persists.

"And that's fine." I reply back.

"No it's not. Just say, I'm not gonna judge." She says. I hesitate.

"Okay fine," I give in. "It's just cause of Tristen never being able to hang out because of Myra." I say.

"No jealousy?" She asks.

"I dunno." I shrug.

"And?" She asks.

"And what?" I ask back.

"Are you going to try to solve that problem?" She asks.

"Well, yes and no. I want to, but I don't know how." She giggles. I feel my cheeks burn. I shouldn't have told her.

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