Little Girl Lost

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[A/N: Yes, I've started another Céline Dion story. This one, I hope will either be a long oneshot, or a short multi-chapter I haven't decided yet. So the idea is that this all happens in a dream, of course, or maybe several dreams. I hope you like it either way, it was inspired by a post I found on Instagram. ~Jaded]
Celine's POV

My life has been a fairytale, more perfect than most would ever believe.

It was also filled with quite a bit of heartache, hard work, and tears.

From fighting to win René's love, to us marrying.

His cancer, our sabbatical, needing fertility treatments.

Losing my father, my Las Vegas residencies. Karine, losing my voice multiple times.

Our boys, to the simplest of things.

Life had been a roller coaster up to this point, and I was certain it wouldn't slow down anytime soon.

Still, it's been a dream, and it all began in a small Québécois town fifty years ago... Fifty years.

Sometimes I still couldn't believe it.

It felt, in some ways, as if I were still that twenty year old who won the Euro Vision in '88.

Although, it was clear by my life now I wasn't.

Kids, a thirty year career, so much has happened since I was that little girl with stars in her eyes and a big dream.

I walk through the house tonight, flipping off lights as I go.

Blowing out candles, making sure everyone is comfortably in bed.

I can't help but think about her, the little girl who grew to be... So much larger than life.

I say goodnight to my picture of René, a wistful, soft smile on my face.

It's been three years now, and I still miss him so much.

Then, I climb into bed, and within moments I'm asleep.

I dream in memories mostly, my wedding day, the birth of my children, meeting René for the first time.

Dublin. I dream about our time in Dublin a lot these days, but soon, the dream shifts.

And suddenly, I'm not so sure it's still a dream. I'm standing in my old bedroom.

And through the darkness, I can make out the sleeping faces of my older sisters.

They're much younger now, and when I glance across from them.

There she is, little Céline.

All tucked in, fast asleep and no doubt lost in her dreams of becoming a star.

Softly, I creep forward and sit at the foot of her bed.

She doesn't wake, not right away, and honestly I'm thankful for that.

I'm still not entirely sure, how to explain all of this, and I certainly don't want to scare her.

I reach out, and gently brush her hair back from her face.

She looks to be about, five years old. I don't remember much from this time of my life.

Just that, I was always surrounded in love, and that we made music all the time.

That I always had a song in my heart, just waiting for the right moment to break out.

The little girl stirs awake, when my foot accidentally taps against the old loose floorboard.

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