What kind of performance was that?

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"Since you are making a large dinner, do you mind if I joined you at your house. My Aunt gave me permission to go but that also means having a conversation with Count Olaf." I said scratching my neck nervously.

They both turned to each other sharing a look if worry.

"Are you sure you want to help, I mean it would mean a lot if you helped but that means talking to Count Olaf and I-we don't want you to go through with it if it makes you uncomfortable." Klaus said.
Processing that information, i looked at him with concern and determination.

"It doesn't matter to me if he's there, you guys need my help and I'm sure I can handle him. No need to worry." I said in a reassuring voice. I can protect myself when I need to but it's comforting knowing that someone cares.

With slight hesitation they nodded their heads. I walked with them up to the house and opened the door seeing as their hands were full. Closing the door behind me, I noticed how extremely dirty the place was that it reminded me of abandoned warehouses in the movies. All of a sudden Count Olaf came bustling through the door.

He looked at us smiling a fake smile before breaking out into a song. This reminds me of a rejected song from sesame street and that also means I have seen better than this. The whole song was dedicated to him being handsome, smart etcetera etcetera and to be honest if someone listened to this and gave him a standing ovation, they probably need to check their mental health.

Not to mention his suggestive glances towards me. I've never felt such a strong feeling of disgust before I met this guy. Finally the horrid song stopped and his troup of friends all paused as if waiting for something.
Hell to the nah! I'm not applauding this hot garbage.

He looked disturbed and dropped his hands from the jazz hands position.

"Orphans and guest, in the theatre the audience is supposed to congratulate us after a performance." He said with annoyance written on his face. I want to give him the most sarcastic smile and clap my hands really slowly to see if he would be satisfied by then.

"Congratulations?" Violet said in more of a question than a statement. Internally laughs.

A guy with hooks for hands looked over at her." He meant by clapping your hands." He said making clapping gestures with his hooks.

Klaus seemingly annoyed made a clapping gesture with his bags of groceries. I clapped as well, smirking slightly to myself.
Count Olaf smiled sarcastically.

"Now that wasn't so hard. Where's our dinner?" He said looking at them expectantly.

"We just bought the ingredients. It should be ready soon." Violet said. He looked at her in a sneer.

"We are starving and we don't have time to wait." He said. Right as he said that his theatre troop friend spoke up saying that they could have some alcohol during the wait. The others agreed before looking at Count Olaf attentively. Breathing a deep sigh he agreed in defeat. His troop exited but as he was exiting he stopped and turned to me lifting his eyebrow or eyebrows. Are they connected together or-

"And what may I ask do you want?"he questioned eyes solely on me.

"I just dropped by to help the Baudelaires with making dinner but is it okay if I stayed the night?" I answered looking him in his beady eyes. My god were they crusty.

He pretended to think about it before saying yes.

"But wouldn't you rather stay with me and my theatre troop and have a drink. The orphans can help themselves, there's three of them." He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I'll shave them off in your sleep if you don't stop.

I shifted from foot to foot clearly unnerved."There's no need for that and Sunny's just a baby. They'll need the extra hands." I responded, giving a false grin.

His expression visibly changed from suggestive to annoyed.

"Alright them, but you can always join us if you'd like. Those orphans can be very difficult to get along with." He said before walking off in the direction his troop left him.

Is he really serious right now. If I was to take sides, I'd go with the Baudelaires
any day.

Turning towards them feeling the welcoming feeling of relief, I clapped my hands.

"Let's pretend that never happened and get started." I said feeling cheery again.
They're recently concerned expressions were instantly gone as we made our way into the kitchen.
And boy was it worst.

They set down the food on the table and began to bustle around for food. I took Sunny from Violet and gave her a pot and spoon to play with making sure they were both clean. She seemed interested in the items and banged the spoon on the pot in her own little tune while muttering something. Smiling at her cuteness I then redirected my attention back to the others who were fixing some items.

Violet was fixing what seemed to be an old pasta machine while Klaus was trying to start up the oven. They looked at peace and I realized they found comfort in this moment.

The fire shot up high from the stove. I took the clean pot I had recently washed out and placed water in it. Walking over, I gently placed the pot down onto the fire. He looked at me appreciatively and we both joined Violet back at the table and started chopping the olives and chives. She had gotten the pasta machine to work and was now making pasta. I found it fascinating and oddly satisfying seeing the pasta coming out perfectly. Sunny was great help as well with her teeth that were surprisingly very strong.

"There's something I have noticed about you Violet. You wear that ribbon in times when you needed to think I assume." I said, starting up a little conversation. She looked surprised by my latest analysis and nodded.

"It helps me think when I invent and has become a habit that I am very proud and fond of." She said happily. I nodded my head in response tracking in the information from my new friend.

"Violet, remember when I had made quessadillas and they turned out to be burnt. Dad said it was better than nothing." Klaus said solemnly. Violet smiled a smile of grief and we got back to work. They seemed to be reminiscing over the loss of their parents and the memories they shared. In that moment I knew that I should respect the atmosphere of deep thoughts.

By the time we had assembled all of the food items I remembered they wanted to make a chocolate cake for dessert.

"You guys can go out. I'll stay back for awhile to make the dessert." I said reassuringly. Klaus was looking at me apprehensively.

"Are you sure you can manage?" He questioned.

"Obviously! My last name is Strauss and I live with a very talented cook for an aunt. I'm sure I'll manage. Now go before he gets mad." I said motioning them out of the kitchen.

They said their okays and I was left in the silent solitude of the kitchen with the chocolate cake ingredients.

I wonder if I could poison him. Too bad I don't have any bleach. He's very very lucky.
With those final thoughts I got back to my task.

Author's note:

There you have it for today's posting session. I'm so tired. Goodnight to those who are going to sleep. If your in a different time zone Good morning or good evening.

Vote and comment please if you liked it. And thanks to those readers who are still reading.💖

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz