Chapter two

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¥Claire's POV ¥

I get to class. And sure enough mr. Jordan is mad. I walk to my seat ignoring mr.Jordan's questions of why I'm late. I keep walking and get to my seat. I sink in it and start playing on my phone. Incase you haven't noticed I'm a bad girl. No one and I mean none messes with me. If you ever come in my way i will make you life miserable for about a week or so. I'm not cold hearted like Sophia over there. She is coldhearted wait she doesn't have a heart. I can't believe I used t be friends with that girl. Her name feels like acid on my tongue. Everytime I would try to talk to her in my freshman year she would scowl at me, shrug me off, and walk away. Swinging her hips doing so. Which makes her look like a giraffe in heels. No offense but if you can't walk in heels right don't wear them. That's why I wear my black combat boots. And the way she used to dress. I swear I was starting to take her for a prostitute. She always had black fish nets on under her skin tight pink shirts. And her whit tops were always see trough. Like bro we don't need to know what type of ba your wearing to day. Ugh she disgust me.


Wow it's time to go already? I start heading out the door.

" Ms. Lopez!" Mr.jordan calls my name. I groan and walk to him.

"What?" I snap while crossing my arms.

"You have detention for a month. I am getting tired of you getting to my class late so maybe you will take my threats ore serious,y now"

I snort "threats?" Snort again "your "threats" don't faze me nor do they scare me" I say with quotations marks around threats. I snatch the paper from his hand and beggin to walk.


When I get to the detention room i walk ing. I see a group of guys. I see the guy from this morning. I smirk when he sees me. His eyes grow wide. Then he comes back to earth and smirks right back. I walk up to the desk. Where the teacher is sleeping. Huh hillarious. I then get and idea. I grab one of the sharpies from the mug on his table and draw on his face. I start laughing hysterically. The guys join in. One of the sticks out there hand for me. I shake it.

" I'm Kai. And you are?" He says. He isn't bad looking.

"Claire." I state while shaking his hand.

"Hey! Your the schools bad girl!" He exclaims.

Oh shucks. What can I say I have a reputation. I nod my head and turn to the other guys.

"I'm jayden"

" I'm Chris"

"I'm drake"

"I'm Reece"

"And I'm blue"

I turn to the guy that I saw this morning and raise and eyebrow while looking at him. With my arms crossed over my chest.

"Oh I'm green"he says.

" and I'm Aphrodite. What's your real name?" He sighs then tells me.

"I'm Kayden" he says. Hmmm unique name. I like it.

I go to the seat in the farthest back and sit down. I put my earplugs in and start rocking out to my old favorite song. "Waiting for superman" by daughtry. The best song ever!

She's watching the taxi driver as he drives away....

I stay there until my alarm goes off telling me this torture is over. I get up and head out the door. I then get yanked back. Electricity is going up my arm which makes me loose all control. I get pushed up against the wall. Then the gy from earlier. Kay. Starts to kiss my neck. I sit there with my hands crossed over my chest so it seems like I'm not fazed. But in the inside I'm moaning like a hormonal teenager. Dont judge me i have my rights too. He then stops and looks into my eyes.

" are you done yet?" I ask annoyance in my voice and my eyebrows raised.

He stands back looking shocked and let me out. I walk out if there fast. I'm just going because I'm ready to go home. Right?



Hey guys another chapter working on chapter three too. So dont kill me. I have three books now to keep up with so yah.

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