" Okay, good." He said and I looked at him, like asking why he cared.

" You know I worry." Percy said. " And you know why, too. So don't give me that look."

" Calm down, dude." I said. " I know."

It was silent for a minute and it dawned on me.

" Did you say you don't love Annabeth?" I asked and he looks at me an just shrugs.

" I don't know." Percy told me. " She's a great friend and all but I can see where this is going and it's not anywhere good."

" Then tell her that." I responded. " If you don't it will be horrible. and it'll only get worse.

He nodded his head.

" How would you know?" Percy asked me and I shook my head.

" Tell her first." I made a deal. " Then I'll tell you."

Percy just nodded his head and left my room.

" And Nico." Percy told me before he left. at the door. " Don't think that we don't care. Because we do."

" I'll keep it in mind."

He left the room, closing the door behind him and about 30 minutes I heard a scream from Jason and Piper and Leo and everyone but Hedge, Percy, and Annabeth.

I run out, thinking it was a monster and find them just sitting there. Percy walked out of the room to the bathroom. Annabeth went somewhere else.

" What just happened?" I asked. " Seriously."

" Percy and Annabeth just broke up." Piper said.

" Seriously?" I asked, almost shocked.

" Yeah, Percy just broke up with her." Hazel said.

" She's not happy about it." Leo added.

I just nod my head, walking back to my room. Drawing. And about 15 minutes later Percy came out.

" Well I told her." Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. " Is it right to feel relieved and guilty at the same time?"

" Probably..." I guessed.

" Okay, good." Percy said and sat down in the chair again. He looked more at peace now and it only made him hotter.

This boy would be the death of me.

" So I got my end of the deal." Percy told me. " Now how would you know the feeling of hiding something like that from somebody?"

I snicker and he looks at me.

" What?" Percy asked me.

" You don't even realize how blind you can be." I said.

" What?" Percy asked me.

" You, Percy." I said. " I know because of you."

He's confused as Hades.

" Oh my gods." I said and just decided to say it. Being he's single now as it was.

" Percy." I said. " I didn't kill you every time Id attack, which I could always do, In battle I never just let you die, I tried keeping you out of that hellhole, and I promised you, not Annabeth, you, that I'd lead the others to the House. I know because of you."

" What?" Percy asked. " Are? You? Saying? Nico? I. Dont. Speak. Nico. Language."

I let out breath I didn't realize I had held in and when I opened my eyes I looked him dead in the eyes.

" I know because of you." I repeat. " Think about it."

He still doesn't get it.

" Percy." I said as I look him in the eyes. " I am in love."

Before he let me finish.

" Holy Hera!" He reacts. " Who is it!?"

I finished my sentence. Barely.

" With." I start and don't ask me how I finished. No clue either. " You."

Before he could react I kissed him on the lips as a weight just instantly lifted off my shoulders. Making me feel just weightless.

It took him a minute to realize what just happened but like when I pulled away he doesn't flip or anything I expect. Mean, he doesn't kiss back like Id love. But second best thing.

He was thrilled I didn't hate him.

Percy was like rambling on and on and on how all this time he was positive I wanted him dead and after a while it got annoying.

" Just shut up." I told him, kissing him again.

And then he kissed back.

So yay!

I was happier than I had been in a long time.

I figured somebody had watched since Percy went into my room or was listening or something.

But honestly, I could seriously care less right now.

When he saw me smile after that he was so shocked.

" Oh my freaking Aphrodite!" Percy said, excited as Hades. " You freaking smiled!"

" You've seen me laugh before!" I said. " You're not Leo."

" It's been 3 years." Percy said. " It'd be like seeing me abused again."

I caught that.

" Wait, what?" I reacted right away. And he realized what he said.

" Schist." Percy said. " Ignore that...?"

" This is me were talking about." I said. " You know my life story."

" So?" Percy asked.

" Percy." I said. " If you were abused-"

" I'm not anymore, gods!" Percy told me.

" Still!" I said. " Who did this!?"

" My ex-step-father." Percy said. " He's dead now. Medusa took him about 5 years ago. It hasn't happened since. Happy?"

" Very." I said. " And that's not a lie this time."

" Good." Percy told me, smiling. " It's good to see you happy again."

No, Like Seriously ( Percy Jackson & Nico Di Angelo )Where stories live. Discover now