A Fight At The Carnival

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Orange, another orange scarf and another orange hat. One thing we know about this mysterious sender and that is his favourite colour.


'Oh, and Theodore?' Said Ms. Melly.

'Yes, Ms. Melly?'

'Happy birthday.' She said, a warm smile upon her face. 'Another orange gift?'

'yes, ma'am.'

She smiled again.

Theodore leaned over the window in the bus singing songs in his head and watching the autumn's influence on the trees as it goes by.
Thinking of the fact that he has a father and most luckily a mother. But then the gloomy thoughts had returned. Why did they leave him? Why didn't they want him? Why only now they're showing themselves? What did they mean by know who you are? And the excitement had lost to overthinking.

Leaned over his seat Jackson with a smirk. 'Another orange scarf, your parents left you and now they're sending you ugly gifts. They must hate you to death.'

Theodore made no response because he knew if he did, he'll probably not just hurt Jackson, but all the other kids in the bus.

When a Brunette raised from the seat in front of them and kneeled against it. 'At least he has parents.' She turned to Theodore. 'I don't hate you Theodore. I'm sure they don't either. They can't possibly.'

'Thanks, Mira.'

'Yeah, whatever.' Jackson walked back to his friends.

Mira is only eleven yet she acts more mature than the seventeen year old Jackson will ever do.

The carnival, Theodore always found it to be a creepy place. Pretends to be friendly yet savage at night. He still enjoyed it though.

the rayless sky alerts no goodness as it overgrows darkness. The clown standing on the gate doesn't help lightening up the atmosphere either and Theodore felt gloominess embraces his heart.

The place was quitter than the last time he's been in it. The laughter and happiness that used to overtake everyone didn't seem present. Even non of the rides were played.

The group separated into two groups. The little ones with Ms. Melly and in the other group was Jackson and his friend Ethan, Theodore and Mira along with few other kids.

Mira held Theodore's arm smiling. 'Let's have some cotton candy together and then ride the rollercoaster.'

'Now you're old enough for the rollercoaster?'

'I'm old enough for a lot of things now, Theodore.'


They stopped near an ice-cream cart. 'I'll get a coke.'

'Really? A coke?'

'Leave me alone, I love it.'

'fine, the blue cotton candy for me.'

The salesman's face was just like the weather, no brightness on it whatsoever. 'One coke and a cotton candy for the little lady.'

'That's cute.' The salesman said, flickering a smile.

'Do you smell that?' She asked.

'Grilled corn.'

'Let's get some!'

They stared at the cotton candy as it gets bigger and bigger. 'Here you go, And...' jumped to the little fridge behind him and his voice echoed. 'It seems like we're out of coke, would you like a Pepsi?'

'Even better, sir.'


Among the still little children rides that looked deserted they walked. The long water slides in front of them and the swing ride on the left. Jackson and his friends laughter shacked the area and they turned to see him poke a horse.

The poor horse was walking back and forth in his little space in annoyance as he neighs and Mira ran to push Jackson away from him. 'Great.' Said Theodore.

Jackson that had his white shirt smudged with a blue icy drink held a furious glare. He flipped up and walked to stand barely a couple inches away from Mira with his chin jutting out. 'What do you think you're doing?!' His whole body leaning her way.

A petrified look overcame her little face and she walked a step to the back. Theodore's arm separated the two if them as he jumped in between. 'You gonna hit a girl now Jackson?"

'Stay out of this, Theodore.' And he tried pushing him away but Theodore's stand didn't shake. 'Fight me.'

Jackson sniggered and turned to look at his friends then back at Theodore and pushed him hard he almost hit Mira behind him. Theodore pushed him back as hard and the horse looked more disturbed than ever snorting.

With a grin turning into a pout, Jackson aimed and punched him in the face. Theodore fell on the cold asphalt startled with ringing in the ears. But soon he came to his senses and stood up and punched him back. Ethan, Jackson's friend, jumped over Theodore but barely moved him an inch as he was way too weak and small so Theodore pushed him away easily. In this unfortunate time, Ms. Melly showed and it started raining.

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