Chapter Sixteen - "Just out and about"

Start from the beginning

    I sighed and nodded.

    “I was doing archery,” I said. It just came naturally. No need to lie, because archery was another thing I was hiding from him.

    “Yeah? That's great, Hunny!” Alison encouraged. She looked more relaxed now.

    “No it's not. Krissy you know I don't like you doing that,” Dad groaned.

    Colton stepped forward from behind me.

    “I took her there, Tom. I thought it be a fun activity for the day,” Colton stepped in the conversation.

    “Oh, I see. Well there's no problem with that then, is there?” my Dad said, smiling at the two of us.

    “Really? No problem?” I asked shocked.

    “Of course not. You two were just having fun,” he said reassuringly.

    Okay who was that and what did he do with my Dad!?

    Wow, if all it took was Colton's presence in whatever I wanted to do, then I could get a lot more freedom from my Dad. I think my Dad let it go because he was trying to encourage sibling bonding time.

    “Okay I told you. Now what's the news,” I asked unsure.

    I didn't know of I wanted to hear the answer. Because last time my Dad had news, it ruined everything.

    “Well your birthday is coming up next week,” he started.

    “Right! I forgot,” I winced.

    “You forgot your own birthday was coming up?” he asked, surprised.

    “Yeah I guess I just had a lot going on,” I admitted.

    “Oh, Tom. Just tell her already!” Alison insisted, excitedly.

    Dad nodded.

    “Daniel's coming home for your birthday,” he said, finally.

    When I realised that he was serious a huge smile spread across my face. I was so excited, I started jumping up and down and clapping my hands like a child on Christmas morning.

    “He's really coming!?” I squealed.

    “Yeah, he should be here late tomorrow,” Dad explained.

    I jumped into my Dad's arms pulling him into a hug. I hadn't seen Daniel since he left for law school a few years ago. He's in training to become a lawyer and with his skill I know he'd be great at it.

    My Dad hugged me back tightly and kissed the top of my head. That was the first time in the past month that I'd been close to my Dad.

    “Thank you for calling him,” I thanked him.

    “I didn't, Alison did. She planned the whole thing,” Dad admitted.

    Over my Dad's shoulder I could see Alison smiling lovingly at the two of us.

    “Thank you, Alison,” I said.

    “No problem, Sweetheart,” she said, opening up her arms to me.

    With little hesitation I accepted her invitation and walked into her arms as well. I thought I miss judged Alison from the start. I guessed that I just assumed that she would be a stereotypical step-mother that would try and ruin my life. I was wrong. Way wrong.

    When I pulled away from here my excitement kicked back in. I kept smiling like an idiot.

    I grabbed Colton's hand again and lead him upstairs. When our parents were out of sight he stopped me against the wall.

   "I thought we had almost been caught, Miss. Evans," he grinned wickedly, wrapping his arms round my waist.

   "I believe your right, Mr. Flynn," I smirked and snaked my arms round his neck.

   "Your a very sneaky girl. But you need to work on you lying."

   "I'm learning from the best."

   "Yes you are." 

    I smiled then pulled him down for a kiss. His touch never failed to amaze me. Again, he made me feel dizzy.

    When he pulled away he looked at me quizzingly.

    “What was that for?” he asked.

    “Does there need to be a reason?”

    He smiled and I pulled him back down but he stopped my by placing a finger against my lips.

    “There's just one thing I need to know,” he said.

    I raised an eyebrow at him.

    “Who's Daniel?” he asked.

    “My brother,” I smiled happily.

A/N: I hope you liked my new chapter. I just finished uploading all the chapters I had already written so now you'll have to wait for them, sorry.

Please COMMENT and VOTE if you liked the chapter! Tell me what you liked, disliked and what you would change. Or even what you want to happend, it would help.

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XOXO, Jayla!


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