3: Fine, I'll be a Maid

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Louis whispered and stood up, "Hey I will be right in. No one can know Prince Harry was here."

Harry unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car.
Louis looked at him, wide-eyes.

"Are you insane? What if someone sees you here?" He's already grabbing onto Harry's shoulders, trying to push him back in the car.

"It's okay."

Harry crouched like Louis has done earlier, "What's your name?"

"Lucas." The boy said, feet pigeon-toed.

"Are you from the center?"

"Yes, sir."

Harry frowned, "Your parents?"

"Mom is inside. Dad is too."

They hear someone calling his name from inside. They could see a woman through the window.

The boy says, running back, "Bye I have to go." He waves and Louis and Harry both mirror.

"He's so young".

"Most of them are," Louis says, looking at Harry.

Harry rubs his eyes. Louis deadpans.

"Are you about to cry? Cause if are, can you leave already?"

"I'm not. I'm not." Harry wipes his eyes.

Louis stares at him. "You sure do have balls standing out here with a male omega outside of the center in pure daylight."

Harry scans the area, "I doubt anyone would spew a glance at me. A worker in the palace any less. They're all celebrating and getting ready for the royal ball."

"Yeah but anyone is willing to sell a photo of Prince Harry with a 'mystery new lover.' Don't you think?"

"So you're a mystery new lover?" Harry smirks, about to touch Louis' arm, when Louis backs away.

Reddened, "Ugh, as if."

"You get so red."

"So?" His voice raises.

Harry pulls out his phone, "I have to go. My father wishes I be there to be ready for the ball."

"What's it for?"

"Choosing a partner."

Louis raised his eyebrows, "Partner? From a dance? Sounds ridiculous."

Harry shrugs, "My father thinks otherwise."

"Well I have to go, tomorrow I suit up and practice to be an alpha?" Louis says as if poison.

"Yes," Harry enters back into the car, "No kiss on the cheek?"

"In your dreams, stupid dog."

Harry laughs, "I like you too."

Louis flicks him off.

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