Day 2

52 1 0

District 1: Eamon, Abigail - Henrry

District 2: Guy, Sarah - Cat

District 3: Duck, Hollie - Mags

District 4: Kalani, Sophie - Finnick

District 5: Paul, Exon - Enobaria

District 6: Andrew, Lyssa - Annie

District 7: Zombii, Hunter - Beetee

District 8: (Eliminated)

District 9: Alex, Kieghan - Johanna

District 10: Tokoyami, Tea - Cashmere

District 11: Kim - Rue

District 12: Gum, Erin - Katniss

District 13: Azzab, Syndicate - Coin

Kalani's POV:

After the anthem stops I immediately hug Sophie. "Thank you," I say. "You have saved me twice now, and if it wasn't for you I would have died just a few minutes ago."

"Of course," Sophie says.

"Ugh," Andrew rolls his eyes. "This isn't the place to be all cute. Outside of the arena I would have said aww. But in here it's hard to do seeing as we will all be murdering each other."

"Get over yourself," Sophie says. She then grabs him and shoves him to the ground.

"Woah be careful!" Eamon says.

Sophie throws him close to the islands edge.

I grab her arm and pull her back. "Sophie please!" I yell. "Don't kill him." She looks back at me and then I know what I have to say. But I have to do it in a way where it's not sketchy. I hug her and whisper to her, "don't kill him yet. I don't want to be responsible for his death. He's one of my closest friends and I can't stand the thought of killing him."

She looks at me and nods. "Okay..." she says.

A sponsor gift begins to descend. It has a 4 on it. Another one from Finnick.

We open it and inside is a tiny pocket watch.

"A pocket watch?" Lyssa asks.

"Finnick is smart," Sophie says. "He sent us this for a reason."

Just then we hear a scream and a rumble.

I turn and see one of the islands across the cornucopia descending. It's chain breaks and it falls into the abyss below us. The screams continue but come to halt and then a canon booms.

"What the heck..." Eamon gasps. "So first they tilt and now they fall?"

"These islands aren't safe," Andrew says.

"Well the bridges aren't much better," Sophie sighs. "They are too thin and too fragile to stay on."

That's when we see it, a career making their way to our island. Sophie stands up and shoots an arrow at Hunter. He blocks it with a shield.

He makes his way onto the bridge and I throw a knife at him. He blocks it again with the shield.

"What do we do?!" Alyssa screams.

"I have an idea," I say. I rush onto the bridge that Hunter is on.

"Kalani!" Sophie screams.

"Get back!" Andrew calls out.

Sophie attempts to follow me onto the bridge. I shove her back onto the island. "Don't get on the bridge!" I yell. "I don't want you to die."

I turn back and pull out a knife. I cut through the rope suspending the bridges.

"Kalani..." Sophie says. "What are you doing?" I cut through the one end, and the bridge leans on it's side. "Kalani!" she screams.

I grab onto the other rope and cut it too. The bridge splits in two and falls. Hunter is taken off guard and plummets off the bridge and into the abyss.

I am left hanging onto rope that's left. The bridge is now vertical. I begin to climb with the wood planks and get to the top. A canon booms.

"Kalani, don't do that again!" Sophie screams. "I thought you were dead for a second!"

"It's okay," I sigh. "I'm fine."

Just like magic, the bridge fixes itself behind us on it's own.

"One less career now," Eamon says.

Another sponsor falls with another 4. "Finnick seems to like you guys," Eamon says. "Henrry is giving me nothing."

I open the sponsor capsule and inside is a sharper blade than any we have. With it is a note that says, Wow. Smart action and clever way to kill. Doing that gets you support and more sponsored items ~ F. I smile and take the blade.

We all camp out on our island for the night, and when the moon rises the anthem begins. In the sky we see Hunter and then Azzab.

"He must have been the one who fell with the island," Sophie says.

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