2: I Can't Live Without You

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Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

― Robert A. Heinlein

I Can't Live Without You

"Draco?" I murmured for the fifth time to my boyfriend who sat quietly in the corner of the couch, face buried so deep into a book i was afraid he may not be able to breathe properly.

Draco didn't respond to his name, instead he flipped the page he had read and continued to stare at the words on the paper. I smiled at how oblivious he was to what was going on around him when he was reading. He was like Hermonie, a total bookworm, addicted to books and words and stuff Ron and I don't really care about.

Draco shifted, tucking his legs into his chest and sinking further into the corner of the couch we were sitting on. He looked absolutely adorable, curled up there with the firelight reflecting off his skin.

His hair looked golden, he had been getting out in the sun more so his hair was no longer ghostly white. This also goes for his skin, it's healthier looking now that he's eating more than once a week.

I will take credit for that.

A door slams shut, loudly, and Draco drops his book, whipping out his wand to point it at the direction of the sound that frightened him. I smile sadly. I know what he's thinking, what he's expecting. "No baby, it was just a door." I say.

After a few seconds of staring at the door and waiting for something bad to happen Draco finally looks at me, his eyes wide like saucers. "A-a door?" He asks.

"Yes, just a door." I say and reach a hand over to remove his wand. Draco lets me take it, then he slowly leans back into me and i wrap my arms around him, trying to stop his shaking.

You see, you have to be careful around my Draco. He is delicate. The quietest noise can set him off and the slightest movement can make him flinch. But i guess spending 15 months in the deepest and darkest cell of Azkaban, with insane people as neighbors and then being tortured everyday for something you were forced to do, would make a person act like this.

I remember when i went to fetch him.


The guard led me down to his cell. People on either side of me were screaming and spitting, their faces were smeared with dirt and blood. They would reach out there hands to me, begging me to release them from the hell. Some even asked for me to kill them.

Every person there, i noticed, was much older then my Draco, in their thirties at least, and i realize that this seriously is no place for a child. And a seventeen year old boy is still a child. Not an adult.

As we near Draco's cage the lighting in the room decreases, until i'm almost walking in pitch blackness other than the lantern of the guard. We stop outside Draco's cell. The guard opens the cage and we step in.

Immediately i noticed how cold the temperature is and the strong smell of blood. I could almost taste the metallic stuff on my tongue. The cell looked bare, like there was noting in it, until the guard shouted a string of curse words. And then i saw him, a small, pale foot, connected to a small dark lump with two haunted grey eyes peering out.

I sucked in a deep breath at the sight of my love. I hadn't seen him in 15 months, and he looked terrible. He was thin, making me doubt he was fed at all during his time here. His hair had grown long and he was covered in dirt and blood like most of the inhabitants here.

He was trembling violently, and curled himself tighter into a ball. He reminded me of an abused puppy. "Oh baby." I said and knelt down next to him. As i got closer i notice the bruises on his face, and i hated to think of what was underneath his clothes.

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