VIII. The Big Blue - Part 1

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After climbing the stairs, our Special Energies reached the terrace, quickly hiding behind some boxes, is easy to notice there's a demon guard at the door, so, how should they kill that demon? The answer is simple.

"Akec... I mean, Chains, use your chains to hang him." The Strange whispered.

Chains nodded.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Delinquent stopped his friend to summon his chains. "He'll be able to ask for help, it's better if I shoot at his head."

"So try it, Delinquent." Strange said.

"I'M NO—" He was starting to shout but The Strange quickly prevented him from doing this.

"Shhh, you dumbass, just do it, don't complain about your codename." He let him go.

"Sure, shit." And he appeared in the front of the demon that was guarding the door. "Yo, little friend!" Finger gun, pointing to the demon.

"Who are you?! Identify yourself!"

"I'm no one, trust me." And after saying this, Delinquent shot him a laser straight on the head! The demon died after receiving the shot. "Boom, headshot! C'mon mates, let's invade this place!"

So The Strange and Chains appeared. "Alright, you guys follow me." Strange said.

Going quickly to the door, opening it slowly, also, there is no surveillance camera in the place, at least in the terrace there's no camera. So he opened the door, no one's there, everything's fine. "Don't make a noise, okay? This includes your two, Watanabe and Kudo, now let's go."

Walking slowly to make no noises, the first thing in front of them is a staircase to go down. Still walking slowly, they start down the stairs, the stairs led to a giant hallway.

Chains is looking to the right, looking to the left, there's no one, why? Wait! Screams can be heard! "What..." He said softly

"Oy, can ya hear this?" Delinquent asked.

"Yes!" Both Shuichi and Takafumi answered.

"Are screams of women! Two girls!" The Strange shouted. "Let's follow the noise!"

"Wait, but what's our mission here, after all?" Delinquent asked.

But The Strange just began to run to where the screams should be. "O-Oy, don't ignore me!" And so Delinquent and Chains began to follow him.

More stairs to go down, several corridors to go through, and The Strange saw from afar some blue things... These are demons! For sure, demons!

"I will... destroy them!!" Fire in his hands he approached the first demon he saw and put a hand on it, burning it completely. "Haaahh! Die, demons!"

"Dammit, he's angry? I thought he didn't give a fuck to people he doesn't know..." Delinquent and Chains are reaching him and seeing that he is on fire.

Now Chains is unsheathing his katana and Delinquent is pointing to some random demons, now shooting at them. "Oy, Strange, you forgot u have a gun!"

"Thank you, thank you, Delinquent!" And he pulled it, now shooting at the demons.

Chains passed and quickly cut off the heads of some as Delinquent sliced others with his knife and shoot them in their heads.

"What the fuck are these guys doing...?" The green-haired girl that was tied in a chair asked. "But most important... Since they are idiots enough to help us... Hey! Please, save... Save Fragile!"

"Fragile...?" As Chains saw that they were already in a main hall, the green-haired girl tied in a chair, this is the only thing that was recognizable in her, and moreover, she is wearing a dress, as if it were a disguise too, it remembers Ann Takam*ki but black, now looking away, he saw a girl in a pink princess clothes with a... wait, is it Nightw*ng mask but white? Alright... But she was surrounded by demons ... And it was not a good thing... They would abuse her soon, if he doesn't do something. "Haah!" And Chains jumped at them, pushing them away by focusing his energy on the katana, now getting up, and offering a helping hand for her.

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