Profit Through Sales Is Theft

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   Although I personally believe profit through labor is morally detestable, and to an extent, theft, I can logically prove why profit through sales is theft. Imagine you were to go up to an employment center of any sort. You tell him he should hire you because you can make 2000 dollars every 40 hours. He agrees on the condition you receive 1000 dollars every forty hours. Of course, the agreement here is that you will receive 1000 dollars in commodity purchasing power for your 40 hours of labor. However, when you leave and go to any other store, you discover that all items at each store do not cost what they are actually worth, empirically. Rather, they are driven up through profit, and so you can only afford 500 dollars worth of commodities with your 40 hours of labor, originally worth 2000 dollars, due to profit. Of course, what makes the second transaction theft is that you agreed to work for 1000 dollars, ie 1000 dollars worth of commodities. Yet, you have only received half of that. This reveals two problems:  One with our profit structure, and one with our currency system. 

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