Chapter 11 - The Wedding pt.2

Start from the beginning

Venomous: "You look beautiful..."

Yn: "And you look handsome."

Venomous: "Touche'."

Billiam then stood in front of the two and started.

Billiam: "Dearly beloved villains and villainesses, we are gathered here today in the Danger Zone to witness the marriage of Professor Venomous and Yn, these two have been together for awhile and both have their own speeches to say onto each other."

He said as Venomous realized he had a paper of his speech he forgot to memorize as he took it out and started reading.

Venomous: "Yn, since the day I called you to my office and gave you a job as my lab partner and let you live in my mansion, I felt that my blackened heart was melted as you helped with my inventions and took care of Fink. And the days we shared after that with dinner, singing, and dancing felt like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. And all I can say is that you have a glowing aura about you that shines brightly through my darkness, leading you right to me... and I am glad that you entered my life."

He finished as Billiam tried his best not to cry while Cosma began smiling and was wiping her tears away as Yn took out her speech to read.

Yn: "Ever since you saved me from a poor apartment when I was penniless and took me in to live with you and Fink, I saw you not as a villain, but a generous man who offered me to be his partner. It was like being saved by a dragon from my knight in shining armor. The nights we had sleeping together, I always held you close to me because I knew you would protect me from Heroes or anything the world might throw at us. Villain or not, I will be with you to the very end..."

Venomous immediately smiled as Fink started to cry happily. Enid, who was still acting DJ, was using a tissue to wipe her eyes.

Billiam: "Fink, the rings if you please?"

She gave a thumbs up as she picks up the pillow, holding it out to the bride and groom, who happily took them.

Yn placed Venomous's ring on his finger while he did the same for her.

Billiam: "Venomous, do you take Yn to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and protect?"

Venomous: "I do."

He said looking into Yn's eyes.

Billiam: "And Yn, do you take Venomous to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Yn: "I do."

Billiam: "Then with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you villain husband and wife!"

After he said that, Yn quickly latched her arms around Venomous and kissed him as the crowd stood up and cheered on for the two.

The stopped the kiss as they stared at each other.

Venomous: "I love you..."

Yn: "I love you too..."

She smiled as she threw up the bouquet of flowers as a long arm stretched and grabbed it, revealing to be Shannon.

Shannon: "MINE!"

Immediately all the villainesses stared at her in anger as she smiled nervously.

Shannon: "Uhhh, was that against the rules?"

It was then at that moment, Enid was about to begin her music.

DJ Fireball: "Let's get loud on the dance floor!"

She yelled as spun a disc, slamming it into the stereo as a beat started to sound across the Danger Zone.

All the villains started dancing to the music, Yn and Fink were doing the same, holding her little hands as they spun around together.

Meanwhile, Venomous was enjoying a nice beverage by the snack bar.

Venomous: "This is the happiest day of my life..."

Cosma: "Shouldn't you be dancing with the love of your life?"

He turns to see the villainess standing next to him.

Venomous: "My wife has her hands full with Fink at the moment, so I'll do it in a minute."

He said as he drank.

Venomous: "Why are you here?"

Cosma adjusted her dress as he stared at the crowd.

Cosma: "I want to know...about your little project..."

Venomous sighed as he set his drink on a nearby table.

Venomous: "Someone's being nosy, why should I tell you anyway?"

He smirked

Cosma: "Cut the act Venomous..."

She said as she looks at Yn.

Cosma: "It's for her, isn't it?"

The professor immediately jolted and turns to glare at her.

Venomous: "It was meant for another purpose, but since she entered my life, I want it to be her wedding gift for making me happy again..."

He said crossing his arms.

Venomous: "How did you know about it anyway?"

Cosma: "I've learned a few things that you had a machine being built, but I didn't know what it's for."

Venomous: "Well congrats, you learned my secret, and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell this to anyone, especially my wife."

He said with a cold stare at the dragon.

Cosma rolled her eyes and smiled.

Cosma: "No need for threats Venom, your secret is safe with me, but tell me, is this machine of yours meant for boosting a villain or heroes powers?"

Venomous: "Not runs on glorbs for another purpose, and that's all you'll get from me..."

He said, grumbling as Cosma sighed, patting his back.

Cosma: "Very well...if its important for you and her, then I won't make it my business...just don't keep any secrets from Yn that long, alright? She needs you to be honest with her and it would be a shame if you break her poor heart."

She said while leaving him alone, he didn't want to hear it, but what she said made him realize she had a point. Venomous didn't want to lie to her about anything, Fink as well.

His thoughts were interrupted by Boxman.

Boxman: "Venomous! I just came to say thanks for inviting me and some of my children to come to your wedding! And congratulations!"

Venomous sighed and shook his hand.

Venomous: "Just remember your here on good behavior and NOT to cause damage to this celebration..."

Boxman: "O-Of course professor! Whatever you say!"

Venomous: "What is it you want? I know it's not just about congratulating me..."

Boxman looked around to make sure no one was listening and leaned his head towards Venomous.

Boxman: "Remember that little Bio Chip you gave me? Well, I just finished my latest robotic child, and I plan to release him on the plaza!"

The professor smiled.

Venomous: "That sounds like great news, keep me posted on your new invention, and let me know when you use the chip."

He shook the man's hand, waving him goodbye and turns to the dance floor.

Venomous: "Now if you'll excuse me..."

He looks at his wife still dancing with Fink, making him smile.

Venomous: "...I have to dance with my wife..."

He said as he began walking towards her.

Meanwhile, a tall cloaked figure is walking in the desert to see the bright lights of the wedding celebration and smirks with his red glowing eye.

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