HELL: Verschwinden/Vergessen

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“Maybe we should make some rules,” Keith says.

“Oh, I got one! We can't use manipulation on the gods’ partner. You know, like memory loss, hypnosis, that kind of stuff.” Shiro nods at Hunks rule. Allura looks a bit miffed, however.

“Let's add disguise and other mind tricks to that. The partner gets as unfoolable eyes as we have,” Keith says. More agreeing murmurs.

“We can't follow the gods to find out who his partner is. That's like camping.” Pidge groans. “Yes, that rule is especially for you, gremlin.”

“Shut up, Keith. I have one just for you then. Gods cannot attack a human unless they have seen blue, green, black, yellow or pink blood that the human has. So you don't go make a massacre.”


“Does this rule expand to our partner, however?”

“No. They can attack humans all they like. They don't have our godly power, after all. Even if we're allowed to give them a Bayard to fight alongside and against us.”

“What if you need to defend yourself,” Hunk asks.

“Only if you need to defend an innocent or your human or something like that, who knows. We shouldn't get in situations where we should defend ourselves against normies anyway.”

“So if a random human gets attacked by normies we can intervene?” Shiro asks. The others nod.

“Does manipulate count as an attack?” Allura asks. The others nod.

“No manipulating unless they find out that you're actually a god or something that humans can't explain happens. Only our partner is allowed to know the truth. Then you're allowed to delete their memories. You're allowed to fix your messes, that means. Looking at you, Keith.”

“Oh, ha-ha.”

“Leave the normies as much out as it is possible. We can warrant more rules later. When the occasion comes. But for now, I think this is enough.”


Adam stood in his usual supermarket, watching all of the different vegetables he could buy. And he thinksshould I buy broccoli or zucchini? I know Shiro likes zucchini and he did want to try out some new recipe with it followed by wow I think about what he wants while I'm shopping groceries that's kind of weird.

In the end, he puts the zucchini in the basket and thinks about buying more snacks - not very keen on going back to his workplace after what had happened there, he called in sick for a while - he needs them so he can relax at home. Even though Shiro constantly reminds him how unhealthy those are. He also always reprimands Adam for separating the trash wrong. This feels less like he got a new roommate and more like his mom came to live with him. But he can't kick Shiro out - not with Keith knowing how he looks. So they continue living together - more or less cozy.

Sometimes, Shiro goes on a look around to search for the gods’ partners (“if you need help, just call for me in your mind. I'll hear you.”) - like Lance. He hasn't been successful, however, looking defeated when he came home and slumped on his - their - couch. Adam then awkwardly patted his back and murmured some encouraging words, which was also weird. He stopped trying to question the weird things long ago (like a day after Shiro moved in) however, so he just didn't and didn't think.

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