Bakugou x Reader

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[Again, next slide contains an edit - Credits to the owner]

I let them die...

I watched helplessly as the innocent perished! I'm striving to be a great hero, and yet I failed to save lives. I'm no better than the villains. Perhaps worse. The memory of watching civilians scream out in agony, reaching out towards me in desperation to be saved. While I sobbed and thrashed around, being held back by some cackling bastard. Here I am now, head tucked into my knees and feverishly shaking, a few streets away from the crime scene. The villain was captured, but not without killing many. So many. Men, women and children that I couldn't save.

I was walking home from U.A, when I came across the scene. My body moved before I could think. Already throwing a whopping punch into the villain's jaw. That's just how the fight went, punches and kicks being thrown without a moments hesitation. If Bakugou hadn't have arrived and help, myself and more of the civilians would be dead. If only I wasn't trapped within that bastard villain's bulky arms then no one would've died. If only I wasn't so... so weak.

"You still sulking huh?" A familiar voice inquires as they approach me. I don't raise my head, I don't look at him and I don't dare reply straight away. If I start talking I won't be able to stop myself from choking back sobs. At least like this I can silently cry without him seeing, albeit I assume he can guess I am.

"S-Sh... Shouldn't you be with the police? You took down the villain didn't you? Go claim your prize." I say with a sullen tone, still not raising my head. The following said police sirens and shouting I can still vividly hear from where I sit. As vivid as the cries echoing in my mind. Damnit, it's taking over me!

"Tch! We both took him down idiot." Bakugou growls, I hear shuffling as he places himself down beside me. His presence should make anyone tense due to his hostile behaviour, despite this I feel my body relax.

"You're wrong..." I hoarsely mutter after a few moments of regaining my strength to respond.

"WE both took that asshole down, don't try and bring your self loathing into this." He scolds abruptly. I sense his gaze locked onto my form without needing to set my eyes on him.

"I don't need your pity!" I snap at him, finally risking a glance at the explosive hero in training. For a split second I thought his usually tense crimson eyes go soft, but it was gone before I could confirm it.

"Get. Up." Bakugou commands, standing up with an unreadably expression. Shit, did I push it too far?

"I'm not in the mood for sparring." I state with a huff, pulling my knees closer to my chest to prove my point.

"I don't give a shit, get up or I'll make you." He commands once more, a flicker of a glare in his eyes. I refuse to get up, out of pride or pure exhaustion, I'm not sure. Nevertheless, true to his words, Bakugou grasps my arm and pulls me up.

"Stop it!" I croak out, my frustration only growing from his actions.

"Make me," Bakugou says simply, kicking me in the back of the legs. "You need to work on your movement, you body doesn't bend enough to get full power. That'll make you weak." He finishes, throwing a punch in my direction. I glare daggers at him and dodge his arm.

"Don't you think I know that?" I snap once more, doing my best to dodge any of his attacks. 'Who does he think he is? What more stress does he want to put on me?'

"I know better than you brat." He replies, sending a kick to my gut. I fall back onto the ground, breathing in and out, not letting myself get back up and fight him.

"Shut up! I don't want to-"

"I already told you, I don't give a shit!" Bakugou growls, grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me back up. My pride suddenly breaks, and I'm already returning the punch to the gut. It's a hit, but that barely stops him from flinging me over his shoulder. I twist his arm to remove his hold, that shouldn't have stopped him, but he lets go anyway. Within moments Bakugou sends his explosive arm towards me. I teleport behind him, within mid kick and he's caught me.

"Shit..." I mutter as he grasps my leg once more and throws me away. Before I make contact with the ground again I teleport back, sending another punch that he swiftly avoids.

"You're too predictable idiot, change it up!" Bakugou orders, hitting me with a round-house kick and an elbow to the jaw. Is he taunting or encouraging me to fight better? It doesn't matter, I can't overthink too much or he'll succeed in defeating me. I've already been thwarted today, I don't want to feel that again. Not yet.

"Like this?" I breathlessly growl, teleporting low to the ground behind him and hooking my leg over his, tripping him up. I teleport once more, across from him and bend my body to throw a decent high, chin punch. Another miss. However, it was close and enough to slightly startle him.

"That's not enough to stop me, princess." Bakugou barks, pushing me back with ease and sending another middle punch to my stomach. I double over and groan, feeling my infuriating anger sparking even more. Before I can process what to do, my body has already tackled the explosive boy to the gravel. Regardless of my strength in holding him down, he flips me and presses me down. I put up a beaten facade as he slightly loosens his hold, and then flip him over with a huff.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" I repeatedly sob, more to myself than him. My eyes tightly shut and pooling tears, as I punch him continuously in the chest, each hit becoming weaker. He doesn't do anything to stop me, and I don't stop until I can no longer raise my fist. My body begging to collapse and shut down.

"Tired down already huh?" He softly says, placing his hand on the back of my head and gently bringing me to his chest. I allow my body to relax on him, my weeping not ceasing. I clutch his shirt as if it's the only thing keeping me from falling into the darkness. It probably is. "I've got you tough girl, my bad ass princess." Bakugou murmurs, holding me in his arms tightly, yet with such care. I see now, that whole 'getting me to fight him' act. It was a distraction and a way to let out my emotions. That sneaky, secretly kindhearted idiot.

"Thank you..." I sniff, earning a slight grunt  from Katsuki in response. My grip on him doesn't loosen, not until I realise how uncomfortable this must be for Bakugou Since he's being pressed into the jagged ground with my weight holding him there. I  start to remove myself from him, but he only holds me tighter.

"I'm not bitching about this, so stop it. If I wanted you off me, you'd know." He huffs, but still he loosens his grip I assume just in case I actually felt the need to stay away from him. Despite his actions I return to embracing him, considering it's probably been awhile since Bakugou's cuddled anyone... Has he ever cuddled anyone? 'Well, now he has I suppose.' I thought to myself with a slight chuckle.

"Thanks again," I mutter, letting out a sigh in content. His body is so warm, and surprisingly comfy to lay upon.

"Don't mention it, ever... Ya'know it wasn't your fault. Shit happens, and more shit like that will continue to happen. The point is to keep trying on getting better and beating everyone on being the greatest hero." He exclaims, running his fingers through my hair soothingly. I shake my head in disagreement and bury my face into the crook of his neck. "I know all this bull crap won't be enough to make you believe me. But, just don't give up. Keep fighting, and I'll fight alongside you." He finishes, placing the side of his head against mine. I understand how much of a stupid prick I am now. I blankly forgot what he's been through, with the Villains capturing him and All Might's retirement.

"I'm sorry, I should've-"

"I don't want to hear an apology Y/N. I want to hear that you're not going to let this crush you." Bakugou interrupts, I slowly raise my head so I can gaze back at him.

"I won't let it crush me. I'll be the greatest hero this world has ever known!" I confirm with determination, my croaky voice thankfully not wavering. Katsuki searches my eyes for a few moments, I assume he found what he was looking when he broke out into a smile. Katsuki Bakugou is genuinely smiling. It's such a beautiful sight, I want- no, I need to see that everyday.

"That's my girl." He chuckles, pressing his lips to mine as reassurance that he will always be there as the world's and my hero.

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