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I remember the day my father came and told me about the arrangements. I was in my room in the Yellow Army base, reading a book at my desk when I heard a knock on my door. My maid entered the room. She spoke, "Miss, your father and his guest is here to discuss something with you."

I closed my book and stood. In walked my Father, a short yet rather strong man. He had a shaven head and a scar running from where the hair line would be, through his eye, down to his collar bone. He was in his traditional Yellow Army uniform (a yellow turtle neck and long black coat, with metals and cords pinned on).

Behind my Father was a man I've never seen before. He was slender, not including his dusty-blonde, devil horn like hair. His eyes were a beautiful grey, close to the color of gunpowder. He wore a heavily decorated blue jacket with a red hoodie underneath, black jeans, and black Converse. A man of high position in the Red Army.

"(Y/N), meet Red Leader," My Father said. He stepped to the side to let the man introduce himself. He stepped forward, half bowed, and reached out his hand. I placed my hand into his, and his warm lips pressed against my knuckles.

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss (L/N)." The Red Leader stood back up and released my hand. I felt a heat rise into my cheeks. I quietly said, "Th-the honor is a-all mine."

I quickly grabbed on to the sleeves of my sweater for comfort as I looked at the ground. I heard a slight chuckle come from the Red Leader's lips. Then my Father boomed, "HA, I told you she's shy!"

We stood in the awkward tension as my Father laughed, but then a sudden mood filled the room.

I don't do well with a serious mood.

My Father looked at me, sadness in his eyes. "Now, (Y/N), you know how the Yellow Army is in a tough spot with supplies and new recruits?"

I only nodded my head yes.

"Well, I'm sorry, but the only way to get out of it without you getting arrested is to give to the army to Red Leader."

I nodded my head yes again.

"And to keep the alliance secure-"

I cut off my Father and sighed, "I'm marrying Red Leader aren't I... I guess to make sure he holds up his end of the alliance. To make sure our soldiers aren't treated like dirt."

"Flower, I'm sorry. I had to save the Army. I had to save you," My Father sniffled.

"I know, Father. Don't worry, I still love you." I whispered as I hugged him. I looked up at Red Leader, he seemed interested in his phone.

"I hate to run, however, there seems to be some trouble in London." Red Leader stated. I let go of my Father, both of us turning to the tall man. Red Leader bowed, "Good bye General (L/N). Miss (L/N), I'll be seeing you in a year."

Just as the Red Leader was about to walk out the door, he turned back around and came up to me. He pulled a small black velvet box out of his coat. He took my left hand, opened the box, and slid a gorgeous ruby ring on to my ring finger. With that, he was gone. I walked to a window in my room, watching as Red Leader got into a car, followed by two other Red Army Soldiers. As I continued to stare out the window, my father began to leave. Right as he opened the door to my bedroom, I ask, "Father, what will happen to you?"

He stopped and replied, "I don't want you to know, my little Sunflower."

Without saying anything else, he left. In that moment all I could think about was what laid before me. Three months later, rumors started to spread saying that Red Leader was dead. Despite these rumors, wedding plans continued. A fitting white dress, sunflowers and roses in my bouquet, and (favorite type) cake.

To be completely honest with myself... I want to run away, but I must do what's right. I am scared, I am sad... I am the Princess of the Yellow Army, I must stay strong.



Words are hard.
I tried to find the artist, but I sadly could not. Please use your internet skills and see if you can find them. Thank you!

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