And wow was I having a lucky day! Ever since meeting Dean officially that night, I’d payed a lot more attention in class and out of class, so I made a new friend. Her name was Charlie. Charlie is a lesbian. She has the reddest hair I have seen. Even more so than Anna’s! She has a lot of freckles, too. But not as many as Dean. No one has as many as Dean. I wish I could just count them one day.She is the easiest person to open up to and it turns out, she kind of has the same dilemma right now with one of her friends. Her friend, Jo is apparently “as hot--maybe hotter--as Scarlett Johannson!” or so she says. But, the problem is that she’s pretty sure Jo is straight. So I told her about Dean and my problem. We came up with a deal. She “ships” Dean and I so much that she was willing to do this. I wonder if she meant Jo from the Roadhouse.

Our deal is that if I just “say a big fuck you to the world for a minute” and just focus on Dean, meaning kiss him, then she’ll kiss Jo. And vice versa. So the deal is on, we shook on it and went our separate ways after class.

That was the last class of the day. Jo and Dean were chatting outside the door and we both approached them. Jo was pretty, I suppose. Charlie definitely liked her. Her eyes lit up as soon as they saw Jo.

“Hey, Jo!” she said. “Hey, Dean!”

“Dean was in my gym class. And this is?”

Dean interrupted. “I’m guessing you already met Cas again, then.”

“I did. You’re lucky to have a friend like him, Dean. Don’t lose him.” And it’s apparent to me now that making that deal with Charlie was very easy for her because she is damn good at those “fuck the world” moments we had discussed. “And I don’t plan on ever losing you, Joanna.” And with that, she took Jo’s face in her hands and kissed her right on the lips. In front of everyone. I can’t deny that Dean and I exchanged a glance, both of our jaws dropped, before smirking as we noticed Jo was definitely not denying Charlie this kiss. In fact, she was kissing back now.

“And she was calling us gay!” Dean laughs, glancing at me. We took it as our cue to leave and when we got outside, Dean turned to me. “Do you have any idea what that was about?” he asked. I shook my head, even though I knew exactly what it was about. “So, you wanna show me that prize, then I can drive you home if you want? I just gotta find Sammy then we can go.”

“Right here, jerk,” Sam said behind us, startling me.

“Let’s go then. Cas gets shotgun, bitch!” Dean calls, heading toward his Impala. I followed even though he never waited for my response. Sam let me have shotgun and we rode in mostly silence despite the blaring music and Sam’s complaints.

Dean dropped Sam off at their house and we drove away again, on our way to my house. It was now three o’clock. My stomach was starting to feel funny. I was starting to get anxiety, trying to decide what to do. I did make that deal with Charlie and I did really want to do it, but I couldn’t risk losing Dean like that! Dean is the best thing to happen to me since...ever! I am the luckiest person alive for knowing him! And I mean that. And as much as I’d love to show him how much he means to me, I just can’t. Not if it means losing Dean.

We get to my house, my heart pounding, and Dean shuts the car off, turning to me.

“So, what’s the prize, Angel Pie?” Angel Pie?

And that’s how I knew. Charlie was right. I definitely felt that “fuck it” moment when Dean said that. I collided my lips with his and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. I don’t regret it at all. He tasted like whiskey and sulfur and apple pie. It doesn’t sound too appealing, I’m sure, but it was. It really was. And a second later, I realized he wasn’t pulling back or pushing me away. It was only a few moments after that when he started to kiss me back. And then our lips were moving together and it was the sweetest moment. That is, until it ended.

“Castiel! Is that you? You get inside this house this instant! Now, young man!” Oh shit. Dad was home.

Dean and I broke away at the same time, struggling to breathe. We looked into each other’s eyes and I saw a recognizable fear in his that must have mirrored my own at that time.

“I’m so sorry, Dean.” He started the car as I opened the door.

“Don’t be,” he said, shaking his head. “Just…text me, okay?” I nodded and jumped out of the car quick, shutting the door as he was already speeding down the street, scared for his car mostly. I was scared for our lives.

“Castiel Novak, I did not raise you like this. You’re fucking crazy! That’s disgusting! We are a Christian family and you will under no circumstances be seeing that boy again. We’ll  move if we have to!”

“Way to go, Castiel!” Gabriel said angrily at me before storming off to his room.

“Yeah, seriously. You couldn’t have thought about anyone but yourself, could you?” Anna asked, following him.

“Sorry, Cassie,” said Balthazar, shrugging before waltzing off to his room, too.

“I’m going to need your phone, Castiel. You’re grounded.”

“What? No! For how long?” I argue.

“For as long as it takes you to get over him. He’s not good for you and until you realize that, you don’t get your phone back and you have to come straight home after school every day.”

“Can I at least--”

“No. Give me your phone and go to your room.” I roll my eyes and throw the phone on the table. I knew it would be pointless to fight with him about it. I would just end up getting hit or something and I can’t have that happen. Not now. “Wait, Castiel. One more thing.” I turn back to him just in time for a hard blow to the face, causing me to stumble back before running to my room.

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