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Hi I may or may not be watching a LOT of Straykids music videos and I realise how deep there music is. Well I already knew but just refreshing is always nice. And I realised I do say bop alot lmao so all there songs are amazing props to Chan for being a composer, vocalist, rapper, amazing underrated dancer and leader for basically two groups. So what I'm saying is Straykids are talented BEASTS WATCH PUT WORLD STRAYKIDS EVERY WHERE ALL AROUND THE WORLD THEY COMIN TO GET YOU NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE

They are so talented and make me genuinely happy from every angle.

From talented dancers to singers to rappers to actors to comedians to mcs and to Straykids forever rookie legends :)

My top 10 Straykids songs because it changed:
Mixtape 3
grow up
spread my wings
District 9
My pace

Lmao I changed it from 5 to 10 akaskjs.

I would include 3racha songs but does that count?? Ehhe I like

Start line and wow lmao.

The songs are in no specific order.

But we stan grow up SO MUCH. Its so sad but happy you know??

Wait I can't forget the QUEEN glow.

Wow I can't choose now ha-

Here are the brothers and sisters of the Straykids song family

School life-Awkward silence- Get cool-

Yo they can even make cute songs have great meanings we stan.

Rock-N/S- Grr-

Spread my wings-Insomnia- Hero's soup

M.I.A-question-my side

Basically I like every Straykids song sososo-

I swear they want to discard there cute concept LMAO.

Okokok beyye

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