" yo this party lit now where is kylie I need to talk to her" Algee " she in here somewhere" David says " there she is talking to people over there" Keith points out " aye but you got to help me find Megan first since I helped you find Kylie" Keit...

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" yo this party lit now where is kylie I need to talk to her" Algee " she in here somewhere" David says " there she is talking to people over there" Keith points out " aye but you got to help me find Megan first since I helped you find Kylie" Keith says " yo kylie!" Algee yells " huh you called me" asks walking up to them " my name is Algee and my friend Keith is looking for Megan, he also likes Megan too" Algee says " bruh" Keith says then hits Algee head "oh she's upstairs she's scared to come down" Kylie chuckles  " oh she upstairs I'll be right back" Keith says smirking " well I want to know you kylie because I like you and I don't know how you feel about it" Algee says " sure you can know me plus I like you too" Kylie says

I was pacing back and forth I was deciding whether to go down stairs or stay up stairs but then I heard footsteps behind me
"Megan" Keith says " h-huh who are you" Megan asks nervously " I'm Keith the new boy and I wanted to talk to you and share my feelings towards you" Keith says " wait you have feelings for me, don't you?" Megan asks Suspiciously " yeah so what if I do, you can't do anything about it" Keith says getting closer to Megan " stay away from me" Megan walks back but backs into the wall and Keith is right in front of her " move Keith I want to go party" Megan says " no I think I you right here" Keith says smirking " don't do that" Megan says trying to leave " you're staying right here Megan with me" Keith says locking the door " please don't rape me I'm begging you" Megan wins starting to cry " don't cry Megan I didn't mean to make you cry" Keith says running up and hugging Megan " don't cry Megan I'm sorry" Keith says whipping her tears " it's okay I just get scared easily and I'm not like Kylie" Megan says  " Megan I have a question for you and please be honest" Keith says " w-what is it?" Megan says stuttering 

Keith takes a deep breath and thinks should he ask Megan out or wait " what is it?" Megan asks Keith keeps thinking about his decision " Keith if you're going to ask me out, I think we should wait and get to know each other" Megan says " yeah let's wait but for now can we go have fun?" Keith asks " sure let's go" Megan says grabbing Keith hand " oh wait" Keith says "wha- Megan says before being cut off by the kiss Keith did " did you just kiss me" Megan asks surprised " yeah I did" Keith said " why" Megan asks " c'mon let's party" Keith says pulling Megan downstairs " stop stop" Megan begs " no you need show how confident you are" Keith says

I was dragged down stairs and when I was coming down the stairs everyone eyes were on me and I didn't like all this attention I tried hiding my face but Keith made it worsen by gripping my waist then pulling me close. Chatters everywhere " does the new boy go with Megan" One person whispers " isn't she scared of boys" another person says " I thought she was gay since she's so scared of boys" a boy near by said I felt really uncomfortable and I heard people talking about me which made want to cry but I didn't " you got this Megan" Megan whispers to herself " you damn right you got this" Keith adds on " you heard me" Megan asks surprised " yeah" Keith says

After the party
"Kylie you coming to my house tonight" Algee asks " uh you want me too because I was staying home to rest" Kylie says taking her heels off " yeah then you can rest there plus I don't want you to be lonely in this house" Algee says " fine I'll come but only tonight" Kylie says " dang, so you just coming over your boyfriend's house one time" Algee blurts out "yeah I don't live there I have to keep check of my house too" Kylie says " well move in with me then" Algee says " umm I need to think about that" Kylie says " alright I'll let you think but let me know before the week is over" Algee says "okay see ya later Megan" Kylie waves
" see you later" Megan waves back " you want to come to my house tonight" Keith asks
" um I have to ask my mom first" Megan says pulling out her phone " wait a minute you're a teenager almost a grown woman don't ask your mom" Keith says taking Megan's phone " so what should I do then" Megan asks " make the decision yourself Megan" Keith says holding the phone up " give me my phone Keith" Megan's says jumping up " hahaha" keith laughs " what's funny" Megan says with a angry tone " you're boobs are bouncing every time you jump up" Keith laughs " hey that's not funny" Megan says holding her boobs
" you still want your phone" Keith asks " not anymore since you're talking about my boobs bouncing" Megan says " you have up easily" Keith says " yeah that's what you think" Megan says before punching him in his area " ah shit Megan" Keith says falling to the floor " that's what you get for talking and looking at my boobs" Megan says before getting her phone
" shit that hurts" Keith says " get up and let's go to your house" Megan says " alright but I'm going to get you back" Keith says

" sure you will" Megan says walking to the car
" you won't see it coming either" Keith says as he's unlocking the door "mhmm sure" Megan says getting in the car " you think I'm playing huh" Keith adds on " yes I do" Megan says " well I'm not" Keith says before kissing Megan deeply "Keith!!" Megan blurts " what its a kiss get use to me doing that" Keith says
" I hope you have extra sleeping clothes for me too while you're kissing me repeatedly" Megan says " I do" Keith says

Algee's house
Kylie stayed at Algee house for the night but Algee was moving too fast for Kylie and she didn't like that " Algee what are you doing" Kylie says " what you mean what I'm doing" Algee says " I don't want to have sex with you now can we chill first" Kylie says pulling away from Algee " so you didn't want sex" Algee says with a anxious face " no I didn't want sex I thought we were chilling or getting to know each other first" Kylie says " alright Algee says getting off the bed " where you going Algee" Kylie asks " I'm going to the living room I don't want to be bothered" Algee says walking out the bedroom " Are you fucking mad because I didn't have sex with you!" Kylie yells
Algee freezes in place before turning around and angrily walking towards Kylie " move I'm going home" kylie fights " no you're staying with me you're mines" Albee's yells " let me go!" Kylie yells " no and shut the fuck up bitch" Algee says before slapping Kylie " ouch that hurts I'm not a bitch" Kylie says rubbing her cheek " you're my bitch do you understand me" Algee yells holding Kylie throat " I-I'm not your bitch" Kylie says struggling to breathe
" do you want me to hurt you!" Algee yells tighten his grip around her neck " s-stop i-it please" Kylie begs before crying " don't cry now you were just being bold" Algee says " l-let m-me go" Kylie struggles to say " shut up bitch I'm tired of you!" Algee yells before punching Kylie

Keith's house
" you're in too deep" Megan wines " calm down" Keith says thrusting in and out of Megan " it hurts slow down please" Megan complains " stop complaining I promise it will feel good later" Keith says grunting " can you at least slow down Keith" Megan begs " why it feels better going faster" Keith says " just keep going and get this over with" Megan says
" you don't have to tell me twice" Keith says thrusting hard in Megan

Algee kept beating on Kylie all night and she felt like she couldn't get away while she got beaten on she was thinking about Megan and if's is okay or what am I going to do with all these bruises on me.
Meanwhile Megan has lost her virginity and she felt different, she hoped that he didn't get her pregnant or would leave her afterwards.

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