a wedding | s. reid

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word count: 649

"Spencer, come on, we need to get going so we're not late." You yell from the kitchen, referring to J.J. and Will's surprise wedding.

"I'm coming." You hear from the bedroom, followed by Spencer walking into the kitchen wearing a bright purple suit. You weren't even aware he owned something of that nature. You hold your hand out and stop him.

"On any other day, I would tell you to go for it. But today is not that day, we need everyone looking at J.J., not Boy Wonder in a bright purple suit, go change." You say, turning him around and pushing him back towards the bedroom.

He comes back out a bit later, wearing a generic black suit and white button down.

"You, are no fun." He says, pointing at you and grabbing his keys as you grab his other hand, pulling him out of the door. He stops and turns around, making sure to lock the door behind the two of you.


You were standing with Emily and Derek as everyone waited on J.J. , so the wedding could begin. You sipped your drink as you looked over at Spencer, who was showing Henry a magic trick, making a coin disappear, and then reappear from behind his ear. You smile, admiring how he is with his godson.

"Do you think you'll marry him?" Emily asks, snapping you out of your admiration. You turn back towards her.

"I sure hope so. I'm not sure what I would do if something happened to our relationship." You say, looking back at him smiling and playing with Henry.

"Y/n, it's been what? Five years? I don't think it's going anywhere, you're both head over heels in love for each other." Derek says, taking a sip from his glass.

The piano music starts up, and you turn to see J.J. and her mom walking down the makeshift aisle.

You find Spencer and stand next to him as the wedding commences. Tears fall from your eyes as J.J. and Will share their kiss. You feel Spencer grab your hand as you use the other one to wipe the tears from your eyes.

J.J. and Will share the first dance, and you shed more tears.

When more people start joining the dance floor, Henry runs over to you, grabbing on to your hands and pulling you on to the dance floor.


Spencer stands with Hotch, Morgan, and Rossi, as he watches you dance with Henry.

"What's going through your head, Pretty Boy?" Derek asks as you catch his eye and smile.

"How amazing Y/n is." Spencer says, turning around to face the group of men.

"I'd say, she stopped you from coming here in a bright purple suit." Rossi says, chuckling into his drink.

"I'm going to marry her one day." He says, nodding, before walking off to go find you.

The three men smile as he leaves, watching the boy fall deeper in love with you.


"Hey Henry, why don't you go dance with mommy and daddy, so I can dance with Aunty Y/n." You hear a familiar voice say, and look over to see Spencer walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. Henry hugs you, before running off to go find his parents.

Spencer takes your hand and pulls you towards him, placing his hand on your waist and holding your other hand. You place your hand on his shoulder, as he begins to sway the two of you back and forth to the gentle piano music in the background

"This is going to be us one day." You hear him say and you look up to see him staring at you, smiling.

"Oh really?" You say, cracking a smile back at him.

"I do believe so." He responds, smiling bigger, as you lay your head on his chest and continue swaying.

-xo doyouevenreid

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