exactly like a date | d. morgan

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word count: 811

You press your hand harder against your side, your vision getting blurry and your head spinning from the loss of blood.

The suspect had captured you while you were looking to ask him some questions. It was out of the blue, you never could have seen it coming.

You managed to get free, but he caught you again, and you got stabbed. But he got killed.

You knew your team was on the trail to finding you, but you didn't know how much longer you could last.

You heard the door to the unsub's door being kicked down, the sound of officers searching for you rang through the house, but you were locked in the attic.

"I'm here!" You yelled, or tried to, your voice weak. You look to see if a lamp or something was on the table next to you. You stretched your arm, reaching for a vase close by, but begin to lose consciousness. You make one last jerk of your arm, managing to knock the lamp off of the table, shattering it.

|Derek's Point of View

The house was silent as we checked it, Reid and I checking every room. There was something we were missing.

A sound like shattering glass comes from above us.

I look up, looking for any signs of an opening, and Spencer gestures to one above him. I aim my gun at the door, as Spencer pulls the string, making the ladder fall.

I slowly climbed the ladder, checking every crack and crevice, Reid following slowly behind me. I get to the top and look around, and I see her. Right next to her, the unsub.

I pull myself up the rest of the way and run to where the bodies were. The unsub has a bullet to the head, and Y/n was unconscious.

Spencer comes up after me, checking the rest of the room.

I bend down and check Y/n's pulse, it was weak.

"I need a medic!" I yell into the com, my voice loud as I try to find the source of the bleeding. It was from three stab wounds on her abdomen.

"Reid! Come help me, get pressure on this last wound!" I yell and he is immediately there, pressing his hands against the last wound.

The medics come up with as minimal stuff as they could, so they could actually work. They dress her wounds, but the blood begins soaking through them.

I help get her down from the attic as they rush her to the ambulance.

"Morgan, ride in with her, we'll meet you there." Hotch says as my eyes frantically follow her. I run after her and get into the back of the ambulance.


The team waited in the waiting room for what seemed like hours. JJ getting updates every now and then.

The doctor walks out, pulling her mask down, as the team stands up and walks closer to her.

"She was in bad condition, but we got her stable, and she should be waking up any minute now, you are all welcome to go to her room." She says, and Hotch thanks her.

"I think Spencer and Derek should be the first to go see her." Hotch says and the rest of the team wait in the hallway as Reid and Morgan walk into the room.

"It's my fault, if only I had watched her." Morgan says, pacing in front of Y/n's bed, as Spencer sits beside her.

"There is nothing you could have done, Morgan, and you know that, I know you're going to blame yourself, but look, she's alive, you got to her in time." Spencer says, eyeing the heart monitor.

"Yeah, what the genius said, I'm alive." You say, groggily, as you try to sit up, only to be pushed down by Derek.

"You're awake!" Spencer says, a smile making its way to his face.

"Be careful baby girl, you just got stabbed three times." Morgan says, raising an eyebrow at the girl, who just smiled at him. Spencer says something about needing coffee, and leaves the room.

"I feel pretty great." You say, yawning.

"You look pretty great, considering." Derek says, sitting in the chair Spencer previously occupied.

"Are you flirting with me while I'm at my worst, Derek Morgan?" You ask, leaning your head back, closing your eyes, your head throbbing.

"I just feel terrible, if I was there earlier you wouldn't be in this mess." He says, sighing. You grab his hand, looking at him in the eye.

"How about this, after I'm out of here and I can walk, we can go out to dinner." You say, smiling at him.

"Like a date?" He asks, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

"Exactly like a date, Prince Charming." You say.

-hope you enjoy:) much love!!
xoxo doyouevenreid

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