I'm sorry...

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Kirishima's POV
   I was in class reading my favorite book, it didn't take long for the bell to ring as my classmates came in one by one.

I look at Mina and our eyes lock, she looks away quickly and I immediately feel guilty again.

"Okay today were going to have a fight battle, I'll tell you who your up against!"

  "Bakugou with Midoriya, Todoroki with Momo, kaminari with sero, Ochaco with Iida, kirishima with Mina."

  I just tuned out the rest of the names he said, it's wasn't important to me.

"First up is Todoroki and Momo, everyone else go to the bleachers."

  ( time skip )

  I was sitting on the bleachers as told with Sero, Kaminari, and Bakugou besides me. I got up to go talk to Mina.

"Where are you going?" Asked Kaminari "the fights about to start!"

  "I'll be back, dont worry!" I said with a smile

I walked over to where Mina and Ochaco were sitting, "Hey um..Mina could I talk to you for a bit?" She looked at Ochaco and walked towards me.

"What do you want?" She said annoyed "I'm trying to watch the match!"

"I just really wanted to say sorry, To be honest I love your motherly personality and I'm glad you saw through my lie when others didn't."

Mina started tearing up and within two seconds she hugged me, "it's okay I forgive you!" I smiled and patted her back.

I headed back to my seat and continued watching the matches. Todoroki And Momo fight was over now I was watching Ochaco and Iida's fight.

I looked over at Bakugou who was looking at me but he quickly turned away, I had no problem looking into his red eyes.

Ochaco did the same thing she did to Bakugou in their fight to Iida. I surprised he didn't know that was coming and Ochaco won!

It was Mina and I's fight. "Hey, don't get beaten by a girl!" Bakugou yelled after me. I smiled at winked at him.

Mina was surprisingly strong, she did some training obviously. I dodged most of her attacks but some hit me.

Then again I couldn't get a single scratch on her.

I was kneeling down after dodging an attack to recover my stamina. Little did I know I had a surprise coming for me.

Mina raised both her hands in a attacking pose but there was nothing in her hands. Then I suddenly looked up and there was a huge ball of acid.

Before I could blink I was sent through the air and my head smashed on the wall causing me to faint.

I heard screaming, crying, sorry's, but one sentence stool out the most, "Is he going to be okay?"

  I was able to lift my eyes but all I saw was black, I wasn't in recovery girl I was at a real hospital meaning I had injuries I could tell by the smell and the beeping.

I looked around the room, Bakugou, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, Todoroki, and Midoriya I could hear their voices.

I heard Mina and Bakugou fighting, "This is all your fault all because you held that stupid grudge on him!" That was Bakugou's voice

"I didn't mean to!" That was Mina's voice

"B-Bakugou I can't see, where are you?"

I heard a unfamiliar voice say, "Your friends are right here, and you can't see because some of the acid got into your eyes."

Oh god I heard Bakugou say. "T-that means he can't be a hero." I heard Midoriya say.

"Oh heavens no, we just have to fix his eye sight by surgery."

"How long will this take."

"Not long at all about fourth-five minutes."

The doctor allowed them to stay in the room for the surgery, the doctor said it wouldn't hurt but Bakugou held my hand anyways.

My eye color had changed because of the acid so she had to change the color.

I felt a laser scan my eye I felt my eye moving I was scared but it didn't hurt surprisingly.

"It...it worked!" Said the doctor. I would have to wait a few minutes for my vision to go back but I could go home.

My leg and arm were broken so Mina and Bakugou carried me to Bakugou's dorm.

"I'm sorry..."

  "It's okay, I forgive you!" I said with a smile.

"You can sleep in my bed I'll sleep on the floor."
"No it's your room I can sleep on the floor, I don't want you to catch a cold."

Bakugou sighed and climbed into bed next to me I constantly opened my eyes to see if my vision was there and on the fifth try it was.

I took of the wrap from my eyes and I saw Bakugou staring at me.

"C-can you see?" He asked

I started crying and hugged him as I nodded my head.

We stayed like this for the rest of the night being that I fell asleep hugging him.

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