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You came to a sudden stop when a trashcan fell over and string of mumbled curses could be heard. Slowly you stepped towards the fallen can, only to be frozen in place by what you saw. A small faceless creature was sat in between the fallen cans and seemed to be talking despite having no mouth. Afraid, you began to back away but stopped when you saw the creature holding its leg which was bleeding quite badly. Fear was replaced with sympathy and you gingerly approached. The creature turned its head towards you when you kneeled down near it. It hissed at you as you reached out to its leg. You offered a smile.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

"I do not need your help." You where in shock. It could talk, like actual words not noises. Whilst you where stunned the creature returned to fiddling with it's injured leg. You tried to reach for its leg again but this time you heard a ripping noise and suddenly a dull pain shot through your outstretched arm. Looking down you saw the creature biting your arm. It didn't hurt it felt like a pin prick, the small creature obviously didn't have fully developed teeth quite yet. You stifled a giggle and placed your free hand on the creatures head.

"It's ok. Your safe with me." The creature slowly lets go of your arm and you retracted both of your arms.

"I am sorry... But I do not need your help. I can do this by myself." You sat and watched the creature tie a cloth around its bloody leg.

You went into deep thought. ' I swear I know this creature...but from what?' Then it hit you like a ton of bricks.

"Slender." You whispered the words subconsciously but slender heard them non the less.

He turned to you.

"How do you know-" he stopped mid sentence and you where suddenly enveloped in a hug. "Mother." Slender mumbled as he nuzzled his head into your neck.

"I'm sorry for biting you mother. It was an accident, I didn't recognise you!" You wrapped your arms around his petite frame and began to carry him off to your house. You didn't know what exactly happened to the notorious slenderman or why he thinks your his mum but you had other things to worry about, like his leg. You where sure things would work out in the end.You kept him close to you as you exited to alleyway. The rain began to subside and sun rays peaked through the darkened clouds.

Various Child!Creepypasta X readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें